Tommy Survives a Fall Out a Window

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"Well how was I supposed to know they were a vigilante?"

"You're a goddamn hero, how did you NOT notice!"

"Hush he's trying to sleep, have this fight in another room."

"I swear to god if you adopt another child-"

"I won't."

"That's what you said about the others and yet here we are."

"Oi you little shit get yourself in line you're no better."

"Well I've got one and you've got..."

Tommy was done with pleasant wake up calls. He jolted out of his sleep completely voluntarily. No nightmares here, no sir.

Maybe just a little nightmare.

Moving on from the not-nightmare, Tommy did not recognize the place he was in.

He seemed to be in some sort of medical ward. there was a window in the far back of the room and it was disgustingly sterile and white. Granted it was like an off white, probably to put the patients more at ease, but it still incidented panic in Tommy.

He's having a panic attack now. He can feel it, he's not in the ward anymore there's smoke an-

»»———-  ———-««

Now believe it or not Wilbur Soot Minecraft can actually be a sensible person. It just so happened however that he lost that sense the second that he brought a "civilian" into the tower with a broken rib.

The civilian happened to be wearing a mask, and a similar get up to those who do vigilante work.

Fucking dumbass.

Wilbur was now sitting outside the tower's medbay getting an earful about his dumbfuck actions from both his brother, and his father.

Dear lord, save the poor man.

"Listen, it's not that big of a deal! We could just heal him and then chuck him out of the tower!"

"Wilbur, you and I both know that you will go and converse with the vigilante in that time." Techno butted in.


"Nah, I have zero interest in this extremely interesting person that I brought in today."

Phil massaged his temples, "We both know you're going to go talk to him mate, just do it safely."


A loud thunk from the medbay sounded throughout the building. Okay maybe not throughout the building but it was loud enough that the family arguing outside the door heard it clear as day.

"Wilbur no-"

Wilbur, yes.

Is what Wilbur thought as he tore open the medbay door and slammed it shut before anyone could follow him.

There were dull thuds on the door as Wilbur locked it, but they were ignored in favor of looking towards the vigilante which was curled in a corner hyperventilating.

Already uneasy about the situation, Wilbur crept towards the guy slowly; however, the dude made no sign of recognizing Wilbur's presence.

It was like he wasn't there. And maybe he wasn't in the guy's eyes.

So Wilbur walked closer. He was within arms reach of the vigilante now. He could see the shudders in the guy's chest. And if they had taken his goggles off, Wilbur would've bet that there would be tears.

Gently he moved forward and touched the guy's arm.

»»———-  ———-««

Tommy Careful Danger Kraken Innit was having a panic attack. His breathing was rough, there was smoke somewhere, and the ground felt like it was no longer there.

If he had calmed down just a little bit he might've been able to hear the bangs on the door from outside. He might've been able to see the person that was slowly creeping towards him.

And touching his arm.

It was sudden, a visceral reaction to the touch where Tommy flinched so hard that he could've phased through the wall.

The touch didn't let up though. Instead there was another hand that gently grabbed his wrist and pulled it down from his hair.

He hadn't even noticed that he was pulling at it.

He could distantly hear someone telling him to breathe, to calm down, and listen; He tried okay but verbal was not the way to go with Tommy.

Tommy started crying harder.

The hands were still there, they were constant. So Tommy latched onto those he ran his fingers over and over the bumps and indents on the dudes hands, and slowly he calmed down. The hands were normal, 5 fingers on each, but the fingertips were hard. Well not like rock hard but like a shell. It felt like a callus you would get on the monkey bars at the park. Tommy's breathing became somewhat normal again and he could hear the whirring of medical equipment.

He looked up to see the man who calmed him down.

Brown hair, curly, blue mask, tacky yellow su-

It was fucking Siren.



Number two hero of L'manburg just because he almost died during the first war.

Oh and he could mind control you.

But Tommy knew it was just because of his sacrifice, because The Blade (Number 3) would've been second with how many arrests he makes.

"Hey you okay?"

"Obviously not" is what Tommy wanted to say.

Instead he said "Yep all good big man!" opened the window that he moved next to in his panic. "Bye Siren!"

And Tommy jumped out of the window.

Only later would he recognize the yellow as the same from when he blacked out.

Not his best moment, he'll admit, however his glowy magic hands that aren't a plot convenience cushion the fall.

Only barely.

And apparently his ribs are not fine considering that he now has two of them and has jumped out a window.

Tommy grumbled and stood, gently holding his ribs and walking into a nearby alleyway to strip into his civilian clothes.

Ooooo the mysterious civilian clothes. He's truly a vigilante these days.

Oh my god.

He's a vigilante.

Tommy sat down on a park bench.

Tommy Innit is a vigilante!

He's literally wanted by the government.


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