Into the mind of Tommy Innit

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The lights of the interrogation room were annoying to say the least. They made this insistent noise and flickered twice every 37 seconds.

Wilbur would know. He was the one to handle all the interrogations, with mind control and all that.

That wasn't to say Wilbur liked doing interrogations, he actually hated them. It was always uncomfortable for him to sift through someone's brain and bring the answers out of them.

Also it was like super awkward. They just sit there. Staring at each other for like a whole 30 seconds before Wilbur pulls the answer out of them.

Wilbur did not like to do the interrogations. However he was interested in who he was interrogating today. He read the file as he walked down the hero tower corridors. He was supposed to just ask the boy if he knew anything about the disappearance of an entire town. They just all were gone. It was like someone raised the entire village.

All in all the case was weird and it was standard procedure at this point to ask anyone who came in if they knew about it.

The answer was always no, and Wilbur thought it was dumb to have him go down and ask someone this one thing. He could be using this time to do something useful, like annoying Techno or Phil. Those are good uses of his time.

He sighed and opened the door.

A lanky vigilante sat in front of him, completely still, not even recognizing Wilbur's presence. The viligate stared into the wall.

Wilbur stepped into the room farther and waved a hand in front of the vigilante's face before sitting down in front of him.

The figure startled and composed himself in front of Wilbur, but it was obvious he was scared. Despite this, Wilbur continued as he usually did. "What's your name?"

The vigilante stayed quiet, but Wilbur was certain that behind those goggles were piercing eyes that didn't back down from a challenge. And Wilbur was challenging them.

"Listen, you're gonna have to answer my questions otherwise I'm going to have to use less than pleasant means of getting my answers."

The vigilante shifted. Before they stopped moving completely.

Wilbur stared at the vigilante and the vigilante stared back.

After several tense minutes, the vigilante jangled the handcuffs before scoffing and muttering something under their breath.

"I'm sorry, I missed that?" Wilbur quirked an eyebrow.

The vigilante fidgeted and shifted nervously, "I don't have one."

"Oh." Well that made the paperwork way harder, "Do you want one?"

"Uh yeah? Being a nameless vigilante is not the way I want to go out."

Wilbur chuckled, "Well what about Theseus? You almost did fall to your death."

They leaned forward in a questioning manner, "Don't you mean Icarus?"

Wilbur shook his head, "Nope. After Theseus came back from death, he went on a tour of an island. Once he reached the highest cliff of the island his guide betrayed him and shoved him off. Not exactly your situation, but the name suits you anyway."


Wilbur shuffled the papers in his hand, "Okay. So I've got a couple questions for you and then you'll get a trial to see what exactly your punishment is."

Theseus went windows blue screen before animated talking overwhelmed Wilbur's ears.

"-not Pandora's. I swear that bitch is always lying. And also a couple questions? You'd think that the hero's association would do more than questio-"

"Okay I think that's enough."

Theseus slumped back into the chair and crossed their arms, pouting. Wilbur could swear to all the gods of the universe that this bitch was a child, but he knew better. They were probably an adult that never grew up, still holding that childish wonder and joy that is found so rarely in hero work.

"Alright the first question, does the 16th mean anything to you?"

Wilbur watched the movements of the vigilante carefully.

They froze before taking several deep breaths and speaking clearly, "The 16th means nothing to me."

Obviously, the 16th meant something to the guy so he asked again, "Are you sure, you seem to be having an adverse reaction to it even being mentioned?"

"I'm definitely sure, Siren." Theseus stood with a dark air around them and Wilbur shrunk back a little, not that he would admit that.

"Oookayy, how about this. What do you know about the town that went missing about 2-3 weeks ago?"

"Too much."

Wilbur stumbled a bit. "What?"

"Nothing." They turned their gaze away from him and looked to the wall.

Wilbur sighed, he hated this part. It was such an invasion of privacy and it just felt icky.

"I'm gonna use my power on you if you don't answer."

"OooOoOoo Mi mi mi mi. My name's Siren and I have mind control mi mi mi-"

"Shut up." Wilbur ordered the vigilante. They, despite they're hands being cuffed, were still making mocking motions with them.

Wilbur was tired. He just wanted to go back to his office and watch tv-, do work.

So he activated his power and began to search for Theseus's mind.

'Wait stop. No, don't. Stay the fuck away from my brain."

Wilbur ignored him. Everyone has the same panicky response to his mind control.

"I swear I will bite you."

There it was! He focused on it and began searching through it.

"Get out of my head Siren."

The sensation was a bit like running your fingers through kinetic sand and searching for a penny amidst the grains.


Ah there it is Wilbur "reached" in and grabbed it.

Now the way Wilbur's powers work is complicated. When he "grabs" a memory, or a, thought both he and the person he's grabbing the memory from are thrown back into the memory. It was super inconvenient, and currently they were training him to be able to just know the knowledge. However, he's not able to do that just yet.


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