Letter 10: Dear Wilbur Soot

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Dear Wilbur Soot at the Tower of Heroes and Allies,

Theseus was never meant to fall, not of his own volition that is.

It was a mistake. 

He went up to the cliff. It was a regular day. He sat on the watching the orange and pinks fade into a dark night sky speckled with stars.

They said the constellations are to honor those who have died.

The king sat next to him. He chatted mindlessly with the man.

He was tired.

Theseus had won. He deserved a break. He deserved something away from heroics and the endless adventures.

The king stood and Theseus turned, shaking his hand and saying his goodbye. 

The king smirked. He yanked on Theseus’s arm, and despite all the adventures he went on, all the magical items and the muscle that build up-

He fell.

The wind whistled in his ears as his limbs went cold.

He was done.

This was a hero’s end.

And so Theseus smiled as he fell. He smiled as the harsh rocks hit his back and as the life drained from his eyes. He smiled as white water filled his lungs and the king smirked from above.

The ocean cried.

But the mourning was fruitless. No matter how many people cried, and how many died because of the kings self-fish actions, it didn’t change a thing.

Because everyone knows.

Hero’s don’t get happy endings.

- :)

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