Blaze is a fucking snitch and not poggers at all

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Now Tommy Innit is a big, HUGE, man. The manliest of the mans (except for Philza Minecraft). Who is afraid of nothing.

With a small exception to rain.

Not the thunder. Not the lighting.

Physical rain.

It had gotten so bad that sometimes, when he patrolled the park in the upper part of L'Manburg, the fountain gurgles would trigger it and he would have to race to the nearby alleyway before the hyperventilation got bad.

Regardless, he tried to ignore the park's entire existence.

Maybe, when he was legally an adult, he would visit again and overcome his irrational fear.

However, that day was not today.

His breath came to him in short bursts, either feeling like he was getting too much air or too little. Tommy was being chased. This had become a normal occurrence throughout the month, with heroes coming after him and him just barely escaping their grasp.

And he would continue to do it day in and day out hoping, praying, that he could save someone from an experience that would scar them.

The hero behind him screamed, "HEY GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!"



Tommy sighed, tired of this hero's bullshit, and jumped from one roof to the next. He whipped his head around to catch a small glimpse of the hero. Today's hero was Blaze.

Believe it or not Blaze has fire powers.

Wowwwwww soooooo orginialllllllllll-

Blaze was also a pain in his ass. He would get small burns and his outfit would get holes, which were a pain to try and stitch up again. Tommy had never had to sew up his own clothes, but the longer he was doing vigilante work the better he was getting at it.

The short of the short of it was that Blaze was annoying and not really that big of a deal.

"Oh fuck!" Tommy frantically patted his fiery red hoodie which was now, actually fiery. The flame didn't go out but Tommy's lungs were about to. He heaved in and out breaths. He might be able to make one or two more jumps before he collapses.

Oh and he was on fire. So he had that going for him.

He took a deep breath and pushed off the roof, stumbling to his knees and skinning his hands on the half-assed graveled top. Tommy stood shakily and turned to briefly see a white bandana and fully charged flaming hands.

Well he did say he was fucked last night.

All he had to do was make one more jump.

Blood pumped to his head, he could feel his heart beat from his chest. His ears roared and his legs pulsed with pain, screaming with every step. He was going to make it.

He had to make it.

He stepped up onto the roof end and skidded.

There was not another roof. Instead there was a 20 foot drop. The next roof was 10 feet away and maybe he could've made it with his powers if he ever practiced with them.

He did not stop moving though. His feet may have stopped but his body didn't. His upper body leaned too far off the edge.

"And so Theseus fell."

The toddler pouted his lips and stared at the storyteller, "Why? Why couldn't he just fly home with his dada?"

The storyteller chuckled humorlessly, "Because,

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