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Log #57:

Please state your name

"Um, Wilbur soot."

Please state your occupation

"Failed hero."

Entry not recognized please state again

"I said Failed hero."

"Computer end and delete log 57"

Entry number 57 has been ended, are you sure you wish to delete?


Please confirm the termination of log number 57, your data will be permanently deleted.

"Just delete the damn file."

Deleting file...

File deleted! Thank you for using HeroHQ Logs!

Wilbur sighed and leaned into his chair.

Tommy hadn't come into work for several days. He was usually on time, and when he wasn't he generally had a good excuse. He was all around a good worker and one of Wilbur's best friends.

Maybe even a brother to him.

It was EXTREMELY unlike him to just not show up to work unless something was seriously wrong (like the one time he was stabbed-).

Wilbur thought it best to check out Tommy's place. Sure he had work to do, sure he had patrol that he had to be on (he wasn't put on patrol as often these days, something about unreliability), but Tommy was far more important in his mind than some stupid patrol.

He grabbed his phone and made his way to the elevator, ignoring Phil and Techno's protests of ditching work.

He made it to district 10 relatively quickly and began to search.

Tommy's apartment first, then Karl's emporium, then the coffee shop he worked at.

Wilbur practically parkoured up the stairs due to their deteriorating state panting as he finally reached the landing. He opened the door and began scanning each apartment for Tommy's.

Tommy's paperwork he signed said that his apartment was number 204.

Wilbur paced the length of the corridor several times, quite literally risking his life in doing so with the way those floorboards were creaking. After pacing around the most disgusting stains he's probably ever seen he noticed one that looked drawn in soot? It was almost the shape of a smiley face. If he squinted really hard.

Wilbur traced the ugly nasty gross despicable atrocious stain with his pretty rich boy fingers and lifted them to his face to give em a proper scientist sniff.

Yeah that was definitely soot in his expert opinion. He sighed in defeat. Maybe he got the address wrong? He looked down at his phone and swiped around a bit eventually finding the address and confirming he was in fact in the right place.

When he looked back up to try and once more dodge the very sketchy stains on the ground the smiley was gone. In its place stood a door that looked like it had been there the entire time.

Wilbur cautiously approached the door and cleared his throat, prepared for any attack. He raised his hand to knock mentally shitting himself.

The door opened.

Now Wilbur may or may not have been physically shitting himself.

He decided to tread lightly and check every crevice for Tommy.

"Toms?! You alive man?!" Wilbur shouted.

Wilbur walked around the place with no response. There was a TV on a static-filled channel, a few beanbags, and 2 other doors. One leading to the bathroom, and the other a bedroom probably.

"I'm gonna open the bedroom door if you aren't gonna answer me Toms!" He yelled, panic slowly creeping into his voice.

He pushed the door open and jumped back- half expecting something horrible to be inside. The door innocently opened with a small creak. Wilbur walked into the room.

It was stained everywhere, likely from water damage, as was the rest of the apartment. A small window leading to the fire escape let the sun fall perfectly on-

A small moth-eaten blanket. It couldn't have been bigger than a small child's first blanket.

Surrounding the small blanket, were tons of papers. Some lie farther away crumpled and ruined, others lay in a pile that was perfectly stacked.

One drew Wilbur's attention in particular, one that was partially in an envelope. It looked like Tommy had been interrupted right before he was able to finish closing it up.

Wilbur gingerly picked the paper up and flipped it over.

To: Wilbur

"Oh my god..."

He quickly discarded the envelope and opened the paper reading the contents inside.

"Dear Wilbur,

You're my official boss, and this may be a bit informal but I'll miss you.

You were genuinely like a brother to me and I wish you the best.

I have to leave though. It is for the better, but...

I wish I could tell you more.

Love you Wilby,

Toms <3"

Wilbur breathed deeply trying not to cry. This. This is what he was worried about when Tommy disappeared for a week.

He desperately flicked through the pile of papers looking for any type of clue.

"Dear Tubbo, Ranboo, My beloveds-"

Wilbur took a shaky breath a let the tears fall.

"Fuck Toms what happened?"

»»———-  ———-««

dear anyone who Cares,

this is writen hastley and i need yOu to understnad i want need help.

please plase please i

can someone to get me im stuck

iF you don't i won't bE upsEt

if you cna't figure out where you need to go follow the Signs

tHey'll tell yOu where to go



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2023 ⏰

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