Letter 6: I know your busy but please-

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Dear Tubbo.


Tubbo. Tubbo please. I really don't want to think that you're ignoring my letters but...

Tubbo I've sent 5 at this point.

I'm just going to write about my day anyway. Even if you are just chucking these out like they're spam, I'm going to hold on to the hope that you're just busy.

Yeah. Too busy.

I started my vigilante work. Apparently, a hero found me passed out from pain and literally man-napped me so that they could give me medical attention.

Ha! Too bad for them Big Man Tommy Innit jumped out the window as a super poggers escape. Don't worry about it, not that you would, I just used some magic.

Oh yeah! Remember the Event? Well you got explosion powers, Ranboo got those cool teleportation powers and then I got nothing but PTSD? Well surprise *jazz hands* bitch's got like red magic shit that just does whatever I feel like! It's pretty cool.

Still I wish you were here, maybe we could meet up and blow up some government buildings later?

- Your Tommy

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