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well jisung wasn't angry but a little sad

all he wanted was to be a reliable safe place for minho, all he wanted was a small seat in the older's heart, all he wanted was to give all the love, support to the male whom he admired the most though that could hurt him at times like right now

"am I being too loud?"
"am I being too clingy?"
"am I embarrassing?"
he pouted

'but minho looks off today i want to cheer him up'

'no jisung don't'

'he'll be upset even more seeing your face. Didn't he already tell you that he didn't want you near him yesterday?'


'no buts just leave him alone for now and continue giving him the support from the back at least for now'

he sighed to himself

And that's what he did .....avoiding the sight of the older at all cost

no he wasn't absent from school, he'd not let that interfere with his academics

he just gave what the older wanted from him


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