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he learned the new boy's name, who he kinda saw as a potential threat to..... what?

Minho himself was confused

Nonetheless he was somewhat excited that the lab class would be resumed on monday

that'd be three days from now
maybe he might be planning on an apology to Jisung?

"Jeez maths class usually suck but today's class is extra suck ugh"

he walked out of the class huffing and there he saw him for the second time

And yes of course with Felix

"Look at him being all giggly with someone whom he just met"

he grumbled bitterly, "idiot"

He was out of the younger's line of sight so he reassured himself that he was not a creep that he was just curious and so he followed them, wondering where they were off to as he didn't see the younger at lunch since that day

"The garden eh?"

he then realized that the younger might be spending time here during lunch and now with the new boy

He felt his heart tugged at the sight, Jisung giving his gummy smile to the freckle boy, laughing at something what Minho had assumed as the younger's bad puns

"well I guess he now has someone to torture with his stupid jokes"

he huffed for the nth time and walked off to who knows where

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