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Minho had not seen the younger today too
"is he absent or is he still avoiding me?"
"but didn't he forgive me yesterday?"

Lunch time had begun and he still was searching for a certain brunette, passing through different classrooms, reaching the library and there he saw a familiar face with headphones on dozing off and took a seat next to him

The sight before him was quite adorable, the boy resting his head on his arms on the table, tilted to his left with a pout on his lips, sleeping peacefully, wind gusting in through the half open window occasionally making his long eyelashes flutter


'Wait what!!?'

'no he's my friend and I mean it in a friendly way yes'

He composed himself in a calm demeanor and constantly poked Jisung's squirrel cheeks waking him up

"Felix stop!", the younger muttered still closing his eyes making Minho frowned at the name but continuing his actions

Jisung turned his head on the other side very annoyed to whoever was interrupting his sleep until he heard a voice not that of Felix's that he thought it was

"wake up brat"

He whipped around his head and saw the elder staring down at him with a questionable expression


"That's hyung to you brat and yes wake up you lazy ass. Are you skipping classes again?"

"what?! no hyung!"
He defended, "we had a free period so me and Felix were doing schoolwork here though I have no idea where he is now"

"tch it's always about that Felix dude again",
the older scoffed in an annoyed tone

"Hyung what did Felix ever do to you that you despise him?"

"Nothing now come"


"Cafeteria. Didn't you threatened me to buy you lunch yesterday?"

Jisung's smile went wide, eyes sparkled in excitement, "alright hyung, let's go"

He tangled his left arm with Minho's right but soon released as he realized something

"sorry hyung"


"you told me not to be clingy with you but I forgot", the younger apologized which the older narrowed his eyebrows and retangled their arms

"actually I am sorry for it, I don't mind you being clingy with me"

The younger smiled again making his stomach flipped, blush creeping up on his cheeks

"now let's go before its too late",
he turned around suppressing a smile as they head over to the cafeteria


this story is probably flopped 💀

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