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It was the weekend and Minho was still very bothered with thoughts
Jisung wasn't technically avoiding him...... true the younger still hung out around him with his friends but not just the two of them

After a long conversation with his elder sister who was in Japan, he had come to terms with his feelings that he liked him but still somewhat could not quite grasped why Jisung kinda acted distant

Either way he sure was going to confront the younger on Monday at school

It was evening and he was strolling at a nearby park for fresh air when he saw someone familiar jogging from the opposite direction

Minho jogged up towards him excited

"Sungie!!!", he called out

"hi hyung",
the younger replied back slowly, managing a small smile, while his eyes were the same..... sad

"Are you OK?"

"why hyung?"
"haha I am definitely fine hyung", he faked a laugh

"no you are not"

The younger remained silent

"why are you doing this to me Jisung?"

"what are you talking about hyung? why am I doing what???"

"you are doing that again now too"
"you are being distant, you are not even calling me min"


"Look Ji I like you.... like like like and I like being around you.l like how you are so kind and sweet yet strong and bold...... I like how you care for me and I'd like to do the same to you and protect you I know we're friends but I like seeing you smile and I like when you are happy I.... I like your face and..... I-"

The rambling was cut off by the younger's hand cupping his face
"I like you too Min and I am glad you like me. I was just sad when you said we are just friends", Jisung smiled as he looked into the dreamy orbs of the older, who was currently on glitch mode

As if it wasn't enough to put him in that position, the younger gave him a sweet peck on the cheeks making his face broke into a shy smile breaking the eye contact between the two

"aww is my baby shy?", he teased to which the black haired male mumbled a 'shut up' but was taken aback by the younger intertwining their hands
He looked up in shock

"what? There's school tomorrow and it's getting late let's go"

He just nodded and followed the younger

Tch how cheesy!'

'I like it'

Go away ¦ Minsung Where stories live. Discover now