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To say that the black haired male was ecstatic for a much dreaded day of the week was definitely an understatement

He was highly looking forward to seeing the younger in the lab next to him, maybe he might initiate a conversation and somewhat apologize in between

Well that was what he thought until he reached the lab and found no signs of the younger

"maybe he's running late"
he thought

But then again the teacher arrived and still no Jisung

He swore he had seen the brunette at the school gate with that Felix dude

"where the hell is that squirrel?"
he muttered being too distracted to focus on what the teacher instructed and

"ouch fuck"

guess who ended up getting his left hand burned by hydrochloric acid?

Careless Dumbass

thankfully the acid was in low concentration and the burn wasn't extremely severe but still he was immediately sent to the nurse where on his way, his eyes caught on something.....technically someone, taking a quick mental note to confront them when he got back from the infirmary

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