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A month had passed since the two started dating and they had become clingier than ever, as Hyunjin quoted, "the gross couple next to Changlix"

But neither Minho nor Jisung were fazed by it

Currently the two were hanging out at Minho's, playing games, when Minho cried out suddenly as Jisung defeated him at the game

"go away I don't want you anymore", the older pouted, faked being upset

"aw come on you don't mean that"
"do you?"
placing a quick kiss on the older's cheeks

"yeah i mean it", Minho retorted suppressing a smile, trying to look mean

"are you sure?", the younger gave a smug smile giving him a short kiss on his lips


"really?", he replied busy peppering soft butterfly kisses all over his face

The older laughed being all giddy and ticklish, but stopped as he caught the other staring at him with his sparkling orbs, the ones that held stars, smiling softly, full of love and adoration for the older

"hey don't look at me like that", the older said getting flustered

"like what?"

"you know what I'm talking about"

"no I don't.... so tell me baby"

The black haired male turned away hiding his face, as his cheeks turned crimson red from the petnames

"tch brat"

He still hadn't got used to the pet names the younger was showering him
No don't get him wrong, he loved the petnames it was just he got too shy

"I love you",
the younger blurted out of the blue, causing both to caught out of guard at the sudden confession

Minho watched the nervous boy fiddling with his fingers looking down,

"look at me",
he lifted his chin admiring the younger,
no longer holding his smile, his feelings, his emotions for the boy infront of him, pulling him into his embrace, the younger instinctively nuzzling his head against the older's chest

"i love you too idiot"


this story sucks ngl
anygays thank you for reading till the end

Peace out 👋

Peace out 👋

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