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Jisung thought it was a genius idea to skip the lab class to avoid meeting Minho and so here he was at the library doing some schoolwork as he needed his grades to pursue his dreams.......well to persuade his parents to let him do his music career

great Jisung just great!!

What he didn't know was that the person whom he had been avoiding had already seen him

He was too focused on what he was doing that he didn't even notice someone had sat down next to him, until he felt a tap on his shoulders

Being the overdramatic squirrel he was, a loud shriek was let out, eyes wide, hands on his chest

getting judging looks from the librarian, he calmed down in embarrassment

"what the heck Felix"

he scolded in a whisper while the said boy was dying laughing

Though he had met the blonde for less than a week, they felt extremely comfortable with each other especially after knowing that both of them were almost twins, not to mention that both of them shared a braincell

Typical crazy twins

They were giggling quietly at a stupid tiktok meme that Felix showed ignoring someone who had entered the library thinking they might be some other students, which was literally undeniable except it was Minho

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