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after two full weeks of avoiding the black haired male, there jisung met eyes with the older in the hallway just as he came out of the principal's office with his new friend

earlier he met the blonde who was obviously a newcomer, being lost in the campus, eyes desperately seeking for help

and jisung being the kind hearted, cheerful model student he was, offered to help the new student who introduced himself as Felix Lee, who transferred into the school midterm due to his parents' job

he just got out of the office with Felix, helping him collect his schedule and other stuffs when he met him -

the boy whom he admired
the boy whom he missed so much
the boy whom he was to be avoided


his eyes grew wide in surprise soon replaced by the realization that he shouldn't be showing himself in front of the older

so he pulled felix by the wrists and scurried away in the opposite direction, heading into his classroom which fortunately both him and the blonde shared

leaving the older speechless, somewhat confused and guilty

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