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Ah shit

Minho reluctantly turned to the owner of the voice, acting calm and unbothered

"what is it?"

"I've some problems with calculus. Could you please help me? Pretty please?"

"you can just ask Chan, I bet he'll be a better tutor"

"but hyung you always get full marks, don't you? Also I'm more comfortable with you. So please hyung....."

The younger gave his best to persuade Minho, giving those very much cliché puppy eyes

"tch aren't you more comfortable with your freckle friend?"

Minho's petty self blurted out of nowhere

"did you say something, hyung?", Jisung asked as he couldn't quite grasped what the other murmured

"nothing I just said fine", he lied

"wait you agree to help me, right?", the younger asked earning a hum to which he jumped in delight
"thanks min", he hugged the elder

"o-ok if you are d-done jumping le-let's go", Minho cursed himself for the stutter

Jisung tilted his head
"where to?"

"my h-house idiot....don't you want me to h-help with maths? unless y-you want to go to yours", Minho replied nervously not getting over the sudden skinship

"yours is fine now let's go", Jisung linked his arms with Minho's walking towards the latter's house, where a certain someone was trying hard to calm down his heart

'fuck you, you blood pumping motherfucker'

They were walking, Minho listening to Jisung's rants about random stuffs with a smile that he didn't even know he was wearing, internally cooing at his cute whines

"uh min why are you smiling when i am telling sea turtles are in danger?"

"no-no i didn't", Minho defended trying to act neutral

"but you were!! you were smiling like an idiot", Jisung frowned

"I saw it"

"whatever brat"

Glaring at the older, cheeks all puffed up,
"don't you dare call me brat else I'll steal your cats"

"brat, also I dare you",
he replied unbothered, continuing his usual internal cooing at the younger who was currently busy being offended being called a brat



spare me for my English
I'm not a native
Feel free to correct me 😄

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