Mostly OPT/Fluffy Incorrect Quotes

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Edris: Are we done yet?

Nyx: Yes we're done...

Edris: *Rejoices*

Nyx: ...With half of the shopping list.

Edris: Why must you be so cruel to me?


Comet: Were you two kissing?

David: What? No, of course not!

Comet: Why's Miracle's lipstick on your mouth?

David: Uh... We just happened to wear the same shade...!


Comet: I f*cked up. I f*cked up.

Harper: Why? What happened?

Comet: I'm falling for someone!

Harper: D*mn. Must be a special somebody to make emotionless Comet fall in love.

Comet, looking at Harper:  Yeah, real special...


Solar: *Yawns*

Dewdrop: Yeah, being pretty must be tiring.

Solar: *Tilts her head* Then you must be exhausted.

Dewdrop: *Blushing madly*


(When Fawn and Michael start dating be like:)

Fawn: Truth or dare?

Michael, exasperated: Truth.

Fawn: Do you want to kiss me.

Michael: Dare.

Fawn, leans in: I dare you to kiss me.

Michael: Never have I ever-

Fawn: That's not the game-


Maple: I hate you!

Cosmic: I hate me more!


Maple: Babe... We talked about this.


Sapphire: Arrow, what are you doing?

Arrow: A fanfic.

Sapphire: About what?

Arrow: You and Kassidy.

Sapphire: W-what? W-why?

Arrow: Kassidy asked me to. I'm being paid.



Cyrus: What are you doing?

Maxi, squiggling in Cyrus' arms: Hiding

Cyrus: ...Do you mean hugging?

Maxi: *Pauses* Did I stutter?

Maxi: This is my safe place.

Maxi: Now shush up and put your arms around me.


(Clive and Lynx going on a date for once in Madori:)

Celinna: Hey what are you two doing?

Clive: I'm going on a date.

Lynx: Yeah, me too.

Celinna: With who?



Celinna: ...Oooohhhhh~!

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