Chapter 5

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I am so excited about this tour! The promotion is in full swing and we couldn't have hoped for better feedback than what we have had so far. Our fans are so happy and excited about this short tour... It's just making the news in the newspapers, TV shows and radio. And even today we have an interview with Oprah to talk a little bit about the shows that start next month and although I don't like all this interview stuff and so on, I really want to be with Kelly and Michelle, but something worries me. Miss Winfrey always asks awkward questions and I don't like that, not to mention that I don't know if Kelendria will be willing to pretend that we are best friends yet, hopefully she is still determined to keep this secret just between us.

Before we left the dressing room, Chelle said a prayer for us, as we always did, and then we left. As soon as Miss Winfrey announced us, the audience went crazy.
We waved to everyone and then kissed and hugged Oprah and then sat down in our seats.

"- Good afternoon, girls! It's a pleasure to have you back here on my show after all these years

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"- Good afternoon, girls! It's a pleasure to have you back here on my show after all these years." Spoke the hostess.

"- Good afternoon!" We said together.

"- The pleasure is all ours, Ms. Winfrey!" Kelly added.

"- Miss Rowland, stop calling me 'Ms. Winfrey', I know I'm getting a little old, but don't make me feel older than I am or I'll have to kick you off my show. Lol." Oprah joked, making everyone laugh.

"- Okay, okay... Lol. You got it, ma'am... Oops, hehe..." Now it was Kelly's turn to joke making us all laugh at her nonsense. "I'm kidding, Oprah, hehe...

"- Hehehe... No problem, sweetie! I see that you are always willing to joke and I love this essence of yours. I believe that not only me, but your friends especially, don't you? I think Beyoncé could talk about this. You have been close even before Michelle came into your lives as far as I know.

So, Mrs. Carter, tell us how much you like Kelly's sense of humor."
At that moment I felt my hands freeze from how tense I was. It is very easy to talk about Kelly, but I am in a rather complicated situation. But come on, I need to act natural.

"- Oprah, you don't have to call me by my married name, you can call me Beyoncé anyway. Or I'll do the same as Kelly, I'll call you 'Mrs. Winfrey'. Hehe..." I wanted to disguise my tension before I started talking about Kelendria.

"- Oh... Done deal, Beyoncé. Lol" She said laughing.

"- Well, Kelendria has always been this person of easy humor. She is always making us laugh very easily and that is one of the many things I appreciate about her, isn't it Chelle?"

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