Chapter 14

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                                     "I love you like no other person in the whole world will

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                                     "I love you like no other person in the whole world will."

After Kelly's conversation with Ciara, she asked one of the security guards to take her home, and all along the way she was thinking about the latest events that made her realize that Ciara's words made sense. However, she was so afraid that she was sabotaging herself that she insisted on denying everything that was happening around her.
Kelly wanted to talk to Beyoncé about this, but at the same time she doesn't want to relive the past and so she is thinking about letting Beyoncé take the initiative if she really feels something for her.

When the car was parked, Kelly came out of her moment of reflection and started walking towards the inside of the house and as she entered and closed the door behind her, she saw Beyoncé lying on the couch watching a movie. She imagined that Bey would be asleep by now, but she was wrong.
Beyoncé heard the sound of the door closing and it was then that she half lifted her body to see who it was, and there was Kelly.
She didn't expect Kelly to arrive now, she figured she would be out late, but to her surprise there she was.

When Kelly saw her, she looked straight into Beyoncé's eyes, said a half sad "Hi" and then put the door keys on the table next to the fireplace and walked towards the kitchen without saying another word. Beyoncé thought this was strange and so she decided to wait a little while to go after her to find out what was going on.
When she arrived in the kitchen she saw Kelly looking for something in the fridge and without even looking back she noticed Beyoncé's presence in the place.

"- Beyoncé, did you finish the lasagna that was here in the fridge?"

Bey was slightly startled, as she thought she hadn't noticed her presence there since she didn't say anything or make a sound.

"- Yes, Michelle ate it when we arrived." Bey crossed her arms and leaned the side of her body on the kitchen counter as she asked herself some questions like, Did Kelendria not eat anything while she was with Ciara? If she wasn't eating pizza with Ciara, what was she doing during that time away?

"- Okay! Thanks for letting me know." Kelly said as she closed the refrigerator door.

"- Are you still hungry even after going out for pizza with Ciara?" those words came out faster than Beyoncé could imagine and when she realized, it was too late.

"-I haven't eaten anything, Bey. That's why I'm here looking for something to eat. But leave it, I'll make some microwave popcorn while I go upstairs to take a shower."

"- You go ahead, I'll make it for you." It came out almost inaudible those words.

Kelly thanked her and went to her suite to take a shower while Beyoncé instead of putting the popcorn on, she went to make Kelly a cheese, turkey breast, cream cheese and lettuce sandwich. She prepared everything while Kelly was in the shower and after a few minutes Kelendria came downstairs and joined Beyoncé in the kitchen. When she walked in and saw the two sandwiches on the plate and a glass of orange juice on the kitchen island, it took Kelly by surprise.

"- Bey, you didn't have to wake up the maid to do that for me. Thanks for caring anyway."

Kelly assumed that it hadn't been Beyoncé because she doesn't have many skills in the kitchen, but little did she know that she was wrong.

"-I didn't wake her up, I did it myself. It was no big deal, I just needed to put the stuff in the bread." Bey joked to soften the mood as Kelly sat down on the bench so she could eat.

Kelendria smiled slightly, thanked her for her gesture, and continued eating as a brief silence settled between them.
When she finished her meal, Kells got up to go wash her plate and glass and when she was finished she wiped her hands on the tea towel and looked at Beyoncé, who was still standing in the kitchen doorway with her hands in the pockets of her sweatpants.
Kelly noticed that Beyoncé looked thoughtful, but she didn't want to start a conversation now since all she could think about was Ciara's words. So she just thanked her and wished Bey a good night.

Beyoncé stood there in the same spot as she watched Kelly go up the stairs to go to her room. Bey was calm on the outside, but inside she had a whirlwind of things going on at the same time, so much so that she couldn't control herself and when she realized she was going after Kelly, who by the way had already locked herself in the room, and knocking on the door that only after the second knock opened.

"- Bey?! Did something happen?" Kelly said without understanding anything.

Beyoncé stood still without saying a word.

"- Beyoncé, what do you want? It's late and I was just going to sleep."

Bey finally managed to come to her senses and finally managed to formulate the words,
"- Kelly, what do you have? You came back different from your date with Ciara."

Kelly closed her eyes and ran one of her hands over her forehead as Ciara's words came like a flood into her mind.

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