Chapter 28

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The day barely started, and not long after, Beyoncé got up to move some things ahead of the plan she has for today.
Before anyone missed her, she decided to ask one of the security guards to tell her mother or one of the girls that she had to leave early to take care of some things and that they didn't need to worry, because she would be going straight to the place where the concert will be held.
When she had finished instructing him, she left to start carrying out the plan.

Meanwhile, after a few hours, Michelle woke up and went to pack her bags because after the show they would fly to Miami for the last show of the tour that will take place next weekend.
When she finished, she was first to go after Kelly and then to meet up with Mama T, Beyoncé and Solange. When she arrived at Kells room she knocked and without much delay the brunette answered her and to her surprise Kelendria was looking like she had been up all night.

"- Good morning, sis! What's wrong with you? You look beat." Chelle said as she hugged her.

"I didn't sleep well last night, Chelle. I'm a wreck!"

"- Got it! What's distressing you?" Michelle asked, but she can already guess what it is.

"- I ended my attempted relationship with Ciara."

"- Why? You were so determined to try."

"You're right, I was. But the day before yesterday I ended up in the arms of Beyoncé and all that certainty went away. And to make matters worse, she even came to me to show me her divorce papers.

This Michelle did not expect. She expected that at most they would have had a fight, Beyoncé would have had a jealous rage, or at most a kiss. But no, they made love and Beyoncé got divorced!

"-Sister, is this serious?!" She said, looking surprised.

"- Yes, Chelle. But I don't know what else to do."

"- Let's go inside and I'll tell you my opinion."

They went inside and sat on Kelly's bed to talk.

"- Sister, I didn't know Bey had made this decision to separate from Jay, but if she did and wants to be with you, allow yourself!"

"- But what if she changes her mind like she did last time? Or see that that's not what she wanted. What am I going to do?"

"-I think this time will be different. She is now sure of the love she feels for you and that you are the one she wants by her side."

" - Chelle, she has always known that she loves me. Mama T said that Giselle has loved me since high school and that she married Jay out of fear and not knowing how to deal with the consequences that this love for me could bring, but at no time has she stopped loving me.
But I don't know if I should let myself be carried away by this, you know? I don't know what to do, Chelle! I really don't know." Kelly took a deep breath in total frustration at being lost within her own feelings.

"- Kelendria, I know this can't be easy between you two, but I think Bey is more willing than ever and she proved that to you with her divorce. Or do you think the Giselle of a few months ago would have done that? Of course not! So give her that chance and see how it goes."

"- Okay, Chelle, I'll think about it. I also told Mama T that I will think about it, because I am afraid and she told me to take my time, but not to let it be too late."

"- Don't let fear blind you. Do what you think is best, but don't do what you will regret later. Now let's go, for they are waiting for us."

Michelle helped Kelly pack and then they both met up with Solo and Tina for coffee and when they got there Kelly missed Beyoncé, only she didn't want to ask where she was, but Michelle soon after also noticed the blonde's absence and decided to ask for her. It was when Solange said that Bey had to leave to take care of some things and that afterwards she would go straight to the show.

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