Chapter 30

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Today was the day that Kelly had to give an answer to Beyoncé and that made her think a little. She knew the answer she wanted to give, but she had doubts about whether or not it was the right thing to do given her last experience. However, there was no way around it, she had to take a stand, the time was ticking and she couldn't keep avoiding Bey who was waiting for her answer.

And speaking of Beyoncé... Michelle knocked on the door of Kelly's dressing room and immediately entered, without waiting long she got straight to the point.

- Kelly, have you seen Beyoncé?!

Kelendria stared blankly before answering.

- No, I've been here since we finished rehearsing. I haven't seen her since.

- Miss, she's gone. Mama T has looked for her in several places and others too, but no one has found her. Soon the show will start and I hope she'll be here. "Michelle expressed her concern."

- She must be sorting something out... "Before Kelly could finish what she was going to say, she was interrupted by Solange saying that she had turned up."

- Girls, girls, I found her! You can rest assured. "Solange exclaimed. "

- Where was she?" Michelle asked.

Beyoncé arrived just in time to hear Michelle's questioning so she could give an answer without Kelly getting suspicious: - Hi, girls... Here I am! I was just sorting out a few things from the show, but I'm already on my way to my dressing room to change and put on my make-up. "Before leaving, she walked up to Kelly and whispered in her ear..." - I love you, Kelendria. I'm waiting for your answer. "She winked at Kelendria as she finished speaking and left."

After Beyoncé left, Solange and Michelle didn't even stay long, and soon after they too left and left Kelly alone.
When Solange closed the door, Kelendria sat down on the sofa and those words that Beyoncé whispered in her ear kept pounding in her head. She needs to define what she's going to do with her life, because Bey has already shown that she needs a position.

- You know what, I'm going to end this right now. She can get on with her life and I can get on with mine. I don't want to go through all that again. "Kelly said to herself out loud."

When she got up to go to the door, her make-up artist came in with the hairdresser and told her to sit down in the chair so they could start getting her ready, as it was very late.

- Kelly, darling, please sit down over there. We need to start getting you ready.

- Hi... Hold on, please. I need to get over there quickly. "She tried to get it back."

- We can't let you go unless you're shitting yourself, otherwise the order we've received is not to let you leave without being ready. "Maya said with an air of laughter, which ended up softening the mood between them."

- That's good! You've convinced me. "Said Kelly as she went back to sit in that chair."

An hour later...

They gathered with the whole team to pray before starting the show. When they took to the stage, the audience went wild. Everyone was screaming and applauding them in an inexplicable way as they opened the show with the song "Say My Name".

"- Say my name, say my name
When no one is around you
Say: Baby, I love you
If you ain't runnin' games
Say my name, say my name..." ♪♫

- Now it's up to you! (They said.)

"- Say my name, say my name
When no one is around you
Say: Baby, I love you
If you ain't runnin' game
Say my name, say my name
You actin' kinda shady
Ain't callin' me baby
Better say my name..."♫♪
The audience continued...

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