Chapter: 19

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It was dawn and before the alarm clock went off, Kelly and Beyoncé woke up with Solange and the other girls knocking on their bedroom door. Bey groaned at the noise and turned to the side to try to go back to sleep while Kelly put on her bathrobe to answer it.
When Kelly opened the door to see what they wanted, without even waiting for Kelendria to say "come in," they burst into the room with a startled look on their faces, leaving Kelly puzzled.

"- Good morning, sisters! What's wrong that you guys are like this, scared?"

With the question Kelly asked, Lala and Monica looked at Solange and Michelle expecting one of them to tell Kelly what was going on and this made Kelly tense.

"- Please, can someone tell us what is going on?" She demanded.

"- Kells, first, call Beyoncé."

Kelly went to the bed and woke Giselle (who reluctantly woke up), who gave Kelly a kiss on the lips and got up already giving her friends a face.

"- Hello, sisters! Why did you come to wake us up? We were in such a nice sleep. Did something happen?" Said Bey standing next to Kelendria.

Solange took a deep breath and said: - Good morning, Sleeping Beauty! We're sorry to bother you, but unfortunately we don't have good news. The fairy tale is over!

Our girl called to say that Jay had called her to tell her that he was coming to surprise you, and given the time, he should be here any minute.

At the same instant Bey and Kelly's faces changed and concern began to grip Kelendria. Her mind started to be bombarded by several negative thoughts like, "Will Beyoncé really fight for us or will she leave me at the first opportunity?

Kelly's mind was away and so she didn't say anything and Beyoncé realized and more than ever she knew that Kelendria must be being haunted by the attitude she took in the past and to be honest with herself, she was really afraid, afraid of Jay ending this fairy tale she's living with Kelly, afraid she couldn't be strong enough to fight for them, afraid the fans wouldn't accept, etc. However, there is no point in her thinking about all this now, for the moment, she needs to do something fast.

Bey took Kelly's right hand with one of her hands and with the other she carefully turned the brunette's face towards her in an attempt to get her attention.

"- Baby, is everything okay?"

Kelly said nothing, just nodded in agreement.

"- Girls, I know this is a bit of a delicate moment and that you need to talk, but before you have a conversation, you need to think for yesterday about a plan so that Jay doesn't find out anything, at least until you decide what you are going to do with your lives." Lala advised.

"-You're right, sister." Agreed Kelly before turning to Bey and saying... "- Beybey, he should be here soon, so I better change rooms with Solange until we see how our situation will turn out. She stays here with you so he doesn't suspect anything and I sleep with Lala."

"-I don't want to stay away from you." Bey complained.

"-But you'll have to stay until it all works out, sis." Solange said without giving Beyoncé a choice. "- Now let's help Kelly carry her stuff to the other room and then help me bring my stuff here."

As Solange, Michelle, Monica and LaLa started to carry some things, Kelly saw the concern in Bey's eyes and walked over to her, held her face by the sides and gave the blonde a soft kiss on the lips and then said: - We'll be fine, we can't stop believing that. Now let's go, before he shows up here.

Kelendria left her side and went to help the girls carry her belongings to the other room. When they finished loading and putting everything away, they threw themselves on the bed, which used to belong to Kelly and Bey, to rest for a while and only when they got hungry did they choose to get up to do their morning hygiene and in the meantime make time for the breakfast that Beyoncé had asked them to serve in the room.

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