Chapter 10: Part 2

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Beyoncé left, from where she saw Kelly and Jessica kissing, without even looking back and went straight to one of the guest rooms she had in the house. She didn't want to go to hers, as it would be too easy to find her.
As soon as Kelendria and Jessica returned to the outside area, where the others were still sitting and talking, Kelly noticed that Beyoncé was not there and with that her heart started to get tighter than it already was for what had just happened, because she noticed pain in Bey's eyes, but she didn't know how to react at that moment. She wanted to go after Beyoncé but was at a loss to ask everyone where she was, but she had the idea to call Solange and ask for her help to find Bey without Jay noticing anything.

"- Solange, I need to talk to you real quick." Kelly said as she approached her.

"- My help? Why? Did something happen?" Said Solange not understanding anything.

"- No, I just wanted you to show me where the bathroom is." Kelly winked at her without anyone seeing so that she understood that this was a pretext.

"- Oh, yes! Sure. Come on, I'd better take the opportunity to pee too."

They left and when they were away from everyone Solange turned to Kelly and asked "- Kelly, what really happened? Why did you call me here? But first... Where is Beyoncé? She had gone after you and so far she hasn't come back." Solange said suspiciously.

Kelly looked down as she ran her hand over her neck and then looked at Solo who was anxious for an answer.

"- So, Solo... That's why I called you here."

"- What happened between you two?"

"- Your sister walked in where I was with Jessica at the exact moment she gave me a kiss." She said totally clumsily.

"- What?!" Solange was not believing.

"- Yes, that's exactly what you heard, but later I will explain it to you calmly. Just help me find Beyoncé before they start missing us."

"- Okay. But you'll explain all this to me later."

Solange took Kelly's hand and they started searching upstairs, until Solange found her in one of the guest rooms that had a more secluded part of the house from the other rooms.
Solange opened the door without Beyoncé noticing and then she signaled for Kelly to come to meet her and as soon as Kelly did that, she said to Kelendria... "-She's right there, now whatever you intend to do, only leave here if you solve the problem."
"- But what if they miss us down there?"

"- I don't know, I'll make up an excuse. Let me handle that part, just go down there and talk to her. Anything, if Jay gets suspicious I'll text you on your WhatsApp or call you to get out of here as soon as possible. Okay?"

"- Okay, Solo! Thank you so much. I promise not to be long."

Kelly entered the room in total silence and closed the door so she could talk to Beyoncé with a little more privacy.
As soon as she closed the door, Beyoncé looked back and saw Kelly.

"- Kelly?" She said a little confused.

"- Hi..."

"- What are you doing here? How did you find me here?"

"- I asked Solange to help me look for you, because I wanted to know if everything was okay with you." Kelly said as she approached the window where Beyoncé was admiring the moon.

"-I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me." She lied.

"- I wanted to apologize to you for what happened down there. It was an accident, Jess..."

Before Kelly could finish what she had to say, Beyoncé interrupted her in the heat of emotion and said: "-You didn't have to justify yourself for anything, Kelly. You're single and I don't care if you kissed her or not.
Why would you have to explain anything to me? You don't even consider me a friend anymore, and any space I had in your life has been filled by Jessica or whoever. But you know what? You're not wrong, I must be wrong, for continuing to hope that we can get back to the way things were." Bey opened her heart.

Kelly was looking at her, paying attention to everything she was saying.

"- Beyoncé, I know I don't owe you satisfaction but..." Beyoncé for once again interrupted her.

"- Then you can go back there and stay with Jessica. I know you don't care about me and I don't care about that either, because I'm used to your coldness..."

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