Chapter 1

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Lin Xi was at the bottom of the water, and his body was in a suspended state.

    His lower body is no longer the legs that humans have, but a huge black fish tail.

    It is not difficult to adapt to his identity as a mermaid and to be in the water 24 hours a day. Even before crossing here, Lin Xi lived as a human for more than 20 years.

    Lin Xi is now in a huge glass jar, a square glass jar that is larger than an average human's residential bedroom.

    There is nothing in the tank except water and aquatic plants.

    Most of the time when he came here, Lin Xi was in a daze underwater.

    At least in the eyes of the mermaid shop owner who sold him and the other mermaids around, Lin Xi was just in a daze.

    In the water, Lin Xi's vision and hearing were still sharp.

.So in an instant he sensed that someone came in.

    Not only the owner of the mermaid shop, but also another human being accompanied by the owner.

    To be precise, it is a human who came to the mermaid shop to buy mermaid and brought it back as a pet.

    Lin Xi's body is a mermaid, but the soul in that shell is a real human being.

    Unlike other mermaids around, most of them have been kept in fish tanks from birth to the present.

    Most of the mermaids for sale here have never even stepped out of this mermaid shop.

    In their cognition and thinking, they really regard themselves as pets that serve human beings for human enjoyment.

    They even pride themselves on being picked by human buyers.

    There was a slight vibration from the glass tank, and Lin Xi in the water turned his head to look into the fish tank on the right.

.A mermaid with a light brown fish tail was lying on the glass, waving its tender white and slender hands towards Lin Xi. The mermaid looked about sixteen or seventeen years old.

    Lin Xi actually didn't want to pay attention to the mermaid, but he knew that if he ignored it, the mermaid would show a pitiful and sad expression in the next second.

    At first, Lin Xi thought that the brown mermaid was pretending and ignored the mermaid. In the following days, he was almost stared at by the mermaid with the grievance eyes of the mermaid who made you a scumbag. Without blinking, Lin Xi wore After arriving at the mermaid shop, the brown mermaid was the first to talk to him. Although Lin Xi didn't like mermaids who could break their necks with one hand, the mermaid smiled happily after he replied with a 'yes'.

    That smile can be said to be one of the few gentle and pure smiles Lin Xi has ever seen in his life.

.Lin Xi was the same. At that moment, he was a little moved and wanted to drag the brown mermaid into his arms.

    And when he surfaced and saw the appearance of his body from the glass wall, Lin Xi gave up the idea of ​​pulling the fish.

    As far as his current body is concerned, he can break that slender and slender neck with half of his hands without using one hand.

    Leaving the corner of the fish tank where he liked to stay, Lin Xi swam in front of the brown mermaid.

    The little brown mermaid emerged from the water, he has a pair of eyes the same color as the scales on his body, light brown pupils, beautiful and transparent like glazed stones.

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