Chapter 14

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The blood was already cold, and when his feet stepped on it, the sticky and icy cold went straight into Lin Xi's body.

    The blood came out of the mermaid lying in the hospital's intensive care unit at this time. As soon as he understood this time, there was an uncontrollable violence in Lin Xi's body, which made him want to slaughter this human on the spot.

    When he came to the human who was bound with his hands and feet, Lin Xi's eyes drooped down. He tilted his head slightly and looked down at the human with a stern gaze.

    Humans seemed to hear some movement and opened their eyes faintly.

    He tried to earn for a moment, and realized that he was still tied, struggling all night, but could not break free, and he would soon choose to give up.

    A person suddenly appeared in front of him.

    The young man's eyes first fell on the person's feet without shoes.

.It was a pair of delicate snow-white feet with slender ankles, which made people bewitched and seduced at first glance, trying to imitate their touch.

    It must be very wonderful, and the toes on the outside are also cute and heart-warming.

    At this time, the feet were on the ground in fresh blood, and the edges of the feet were stained with some blood, and the blood was like fresh blood on the skin as white as winter snow.

    This scene was extremely attractive to the young man, and the young man's arm was tied behind his back, preventing him from reaching out.

    So he sat up and crawled over to those feet.

    He likes a beautiful body, just because these feet are so perfect, a human with feet must also have a gorgeous and beautiful face.

    The young man's gaze followed Lin Xi's feet to look at Lin Xi's face. When he finally saw Lin Xi's face clearly, the young man felt as if his whole body had been electrocuted. After a moment of trembling, he was stunned.

.Angel, this is the most perfect face he has been pursuing.

    The reason why the young man spends high prices on so many mermaids is not only that he likes to kill, but also that he wants to find his angel.

    If the pure angel can be stained with blood, he believes that it must be the most beautiful painting in the world.

    After the young man regained his senses, he fell into madness again, and his mouth made a sound like a beast.

    Even though his limbs were tied, he still wriggled towards Lin Xi, wriggling towards Lin Xi like a poor worm.

    Seeing that his face was about to touch Lin Xi's feet, the young man's eyes were full of madness. Lin Xi was almost certain that if he continued to stand still, the young man's lips would touch the back of his foot.

.To be kissed by such a person, no, even being touched by this kind of garbage on the trousers is unbearable in Lin Xi's view.

    Just when the young man was about to lick the back of Lin Xi's instep with his tongue, Lin Xi felt a chill all over his body, he suddenly raised his foot and kicked the young man's body.

    That kick used a lot of strength to lift the young man directly into the wall cabinet.

    With a muffled bang, the young man's body flew out and hit the cabinet, and then rolled back to the ground.

    Lin Xi pursed the corners of his mouth tightly, his chest heaving greatly because of anger.

    He controlled the anger on the edge of the runaway, and when Lin Xi casually glanced at the abdomen of the young man on the ground, Lin Xi's face was so gloomy that it seemed that water could drip.

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