Chapter 10

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Regarding the affairs of the federal countries, it was relatively far away from Lin Xi. After knowing about it, Lin Xi quit the page and began to search for relevant information about the mermaid race.

    The search results did not bring Lin Xi much useful information.

    He tried to find out where the merman clan was. All he found was that many merman groups were found by humans. Creatures like mermaids are completely over-loved by gods. Almost every mermaid is born with beauty and beauty. appearance.

    Humans, on the other hand, have been good at plundering and occupying for thousands of years.

    The captured merman is slowly enslaved by humans, and the concept of being a lowly creature and pet is basically deeply conscious.

    In addition, Lin Xi has seen some information, saying that the remaining merman, in order to avoid being persecuted by humans, migrated to the depths of the distant ocean.

.Specifically in the depths of the ocean, humans on land have tried to search, but no new merman has been found in the ocean for decades.

    An institution specialized in breeding merman established by humans on land.

    For species such as mermaids, although each mermaid does not reproduce quickly, they are basically eugenics, and young mermaids are much better fed than human infants.

    Mermaids do not cry and make noise like young children. Mermaids alone, even if they are not accompanied by their parents, do not feel excessively lonely.

    It wasn't long before Lin Xi became a mermaid. He passed through and accepted the memory of that body.

    Saying it was a memory, it was actually a memory in the mermaid shop. Lin Xi didn't know what he had experienced before going to the mermaid shop.

    He reckoned that he might have also come out of the Mermaid Breeding Center.

.There are new little mermaids being bred in that place every day. After the little mermaid is born, it is transferred to a mermaid sales shop. In the mermaid shop, the mermaid slowly grows up to almost adulthood, and is then sold to humans as a commodity.

    Before closing the search, Lin Xi casually searched the fish shop where he used to be.

    A series of information came out, and the information generally said that the mermaids sold in the mermaid shop were of good quality, obedient and cute.

    Lin Xi raised his brows, these obedient and cute ones must not include him, and he may not have anything to do with obedience.

    Looking at the picture on the light brain, a smiling face suddenly appeared in Lin Xi's mind, and that smiling face had accompanied him every day for more than a month.

    That mermaid, Lin Xi had a hard time imagining what it would be like if the bright smiling face was stained with sadness.

.The brown mermaid has a naive personality, and the humans who buy him should be good to him.

    Lin Xi thought of the owner of the house where he was, to be precise, his 'master'. The man seemed to be cold on the outside, but he also had a gentle side.

    The owner of the brown mermaid will definitely be better than the man.

    For ordinary people, after buying the mermaid at such a high price, it is not that they will not be good to the mermaid.

    What's more, the mermaid's appearance is delicate and endearing.

    Lin Xi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he seemed to miss the brown mermaid in a trance.

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