Chapter 15

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Lin Xi lay on his back on the water, the huge black tail swayed slowly in the water, and he took his right hand out of the water.

    This body can be said to be very different from the body that Lin Xi had when he was a human being. His body in the past can be said to be closer to Qin Xiao's physique, but his height should not be as tall as Qin Xiao.

    Thinking of Qin Xiao, Lin Xi's current employer, Lin Xi currently lives in Qin Xiao's house and is raised by Qin Xiao like a pet fish.

    The thin white fingers clenched suddenly, why don't you start with Qin Xiao first.

    That is to use Qin Xiao as the training object of predictive ability.

    Start with people around you, with clear goals and timely feedback.

    In this short half-hour or so, Lin Xi straightened out the things that were bothering him.

    Looking up at the deep blue sky, a scene in the hospital appeared in Lin Xi's line of sight.

.He naturally believed that the merman would get the best medical care inside.

    Just when he first came back, the hospital contacted Qin Xiao's guards and informed that the mermaid had passed the dangerous period and would not be in danger for the time being.

    Lin Xi heard the conversation. The world's technology and medical technology are highly developed. Even if a short leg breaks an arm, a biological prosthesis can be installed. The prosthesis even looks the same as the real thing.

    So it shouldn't take too much time for the mermaid's body to recover.

    What worries Lin Xi more is the mental health of the mermaid. Before the mermaid was sold, it can be said that the mermaid was quite looking forward to being bought by humans, and also fantasized about getting along with the owner.

    It turned out to be counterproductive, and the human who bought him was a perverted garbage.

.Physical injuries can be healed, but at the psychological level, Lin Xi is not sure if the mermaid can let go.

    If there is anything he can do, Lin Xi is willing to do his best to help.

    The mermaid woke up in the hospital with an infusion tube in his arm, looking around the room with one eye that wasn't covered in gauze.

    Strange smelling strange room.

    The mermaid has never been to the hospital, so I don't know this is the ward.

    When footsteps came from outside the door, the mermaid suddenly tensed and trembled uncontrollably.

    And when the ward door was pushed open by the nurse from outside, the mermaid's entire body curled up violently.

    He clasped his head in both hands, curled his legs and tried to squeeze himself into a ball.

    "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, right..." The mermaid kept saying more and more, and as the people outside the house walked in, he kept apologizing.
.Even when the nurse walked to the bedside and reached out to touch the mermaid, the mermaid suddenly stiffened and didn't dare to move at all.

    He remembered that the man told him that he was not allowed to apologize or hide.

    His teeth clenched his lower lip hard, blood seeping out.

    He didn't seem to feel the pain, and his teeth sank deep into the flesh of his lips.

    The nurse was very happy to see the mermaid wake up. After all, this mermaid was sent by Qin Xiao, and they couldn't afford any mistakes.

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