Chapter 16

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When it was getting dark, Lin Xi said goodbye to his friends.

    The friend still held Lin Xi's hand and didn't want to let go, but before Lin Xi persuaded him to let go, he immediately let go again.

    The brown-haired boy looked at his friend with his red eyes that were not covered. Lin Xi felt distressed by the strength he pretended to be.

    Lin Xi reached out and rubbed the boy's hair, and promised the boy, "I'll come back tomorrow."

    The young man nodded solemnly, looking pitiful and well-behaved, Lin Xi really wanted to apply to Qin Xiao and his owner, and he stayed in the hospital at night.

    After thinking about it, Lin Xi interrupted the thought.

    Can't measure up.

    Lin Xi remembered before that he brought a small gift, and said that the gift might not be suitable, because he didn't spend any money, it was a pendant he made from a fallen leaf in the garden.

    The line of the pendant is also made of grass.

."Send you!" Lin Xi gave the pendant to a friend.

    The friend came to pick it up with both hands, and Lin Xi held his hand and put the pendant on it.

    "Sleep well, it's all over, no one can hurt you again." Lin Xi made a decision. On the day he escaped, he would bring the boy with him.

    The two of them went to the depths of the sea together, and they could still be company with each other on the way.

    "Xiao Xi, thank you, I..." The young man murmured, and his tears were about to fall again.

    "Don't cry, it's already so ugly, and it will be even more ugly if you cry again, I don't like ugly people!" Lin Xi said in a joking tone.

    The side that suddenly appeared was completely different from the one in the mermaid shop.

    The young man's eyes were full of daze, and then in Lin Xi's gentle rubbing of his hair, a blush appeared on the young man's face.

."You must come tomorrow, I'll wait for you!" The young man raised his head, and his dull eyes gradually became brighter because of Lin Xi's appearance.

    "Okay." Lin Xi made an agreement with the boy.

    Turn around and go out.

    After walking out of the hospital, Lin Xi got on the plane. When the plane flew into the air, Lin Xi looked at the hospital below through the window.

    In the past, in Lin Xi's mind, he once thought that emotion was a superfluous burden.

    He never got too close to anyone, and never let anyone approach his heart.

    In a different world, perhaps because of his physical changes, he changed from a human to a low-status mermaid. As a matter of being bought with money and kept as a pet at home, it was absolutely impossible to appear in Lin Xi's original world.

    When I got here, everything that I never thought of in the past happened so easily.

.So on this basis, it seems understandable for him to make some changes.

    No matter what he does, Lin Xi will bear the necessary consequences and responsibilities for those things.

    No one is allowed to control his life in this life, he wants to be himself.

    Back home.

    Qin Xiao seemed to be back very early that day. Lin Xi saw the lights in the living room on outside the house. If it wasn't on, he would jump directly into the fish pond in the garden. Since Qin Xiao was here, he was his owner anyway, so he could eat by himself. Qin Xiao is responsible for his living, his use, his friends in the hospital, and medical expenses.

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