Chapter 30

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Just as Qin Xiao turned around and planned to go downstairs, a strange voice came from behind him.

    Surprised by the rippling sound of water waves, Qin Xiao turned around to see what was going on, and a figure rushed over in front of him.

    The huge black tail brings out a pure white splash.

    Under the conditioned reflex, Qin Xiao reached out and took the mermaid jumping out of the water into his arms.

    The mermaid was covered in water, and the water wet Qin Xiao's clothes as soon as he jumped into Qin Xiao's arms.

    Qin Xiao frowned deeply. He lowered his eyes to look at the mermaid boy in his arms. The boy suddenly raised his delicate arms and wrapped his arms around Qin Xiao's shoulders. He also leaned into Qin Xiao's ear and said something that shocked Qin Xiao.

    Lin Xi leaned into Qin Xiao's ear and said, "I want you..."

    Those four words fell in Qin Xiao's ears, but the whole thing should be I want your body.

.It would be nice if it was a human body, this was what Lin Xi thought at the time.

    Although he was seriously drunk, it was absolutely impossible for Lin Xi to take the initiative to jump into Qin Xiao's arms.

    Or jump out of the tank directly.

    Consciousness is separated from the body, the reason is still there, but the body is difficult to control.

    Lin Xi even thought that he might be dreaming. Since it wasn't real, Qin Xiao in front of him seemed to him to be an illusion. When he told the illusion that he wanted his body, Lin Xi didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

    Lin Xi was hugged horizontally by Qin Xiao, his huge black tail was dragged to the ground, and the feeling of hanging made Lin Xi uncomfortable.

    He swayed slightly, and the next moment his black fish tail turned into two slender feet.

.And because Lin Xi jumped directly into Qin Xiao's arms, he didn't wear clothes before he turned into a human form, so now he is completely naked.

    Lin Xi thought it was a dream, but he didn't know how much impact his appearance would have on Qin Xiao's eyes.

    He raised his small face and smiled at Qin Xiao. His dark eyes looked directly at Qin Xiao, while Lin Xi looked at Qin Xiao's resolute and stern face. He liked such a face and such a sturdy body. Not his current mermaid body, with slender bones and snow-white skin that is sensitive and sensitive.

    Lin Xi swam around Qin Xiao's sharp face with his fingers. He stared at Qin Xiao with admiration. The mermaid he liked was in his arms, and the beautiful boy was still trying his best to lead Qin Xiao.

    In Qin Xiao's eyes, Lin Xi's behavior at this meeting was a kind of temptation.

.Besides, Qin Xiao couldn't think of any other reason why Lin Xi would suddenly do this.

    By the way, Lin Xi was drunk.

    The mermaid was in his arms, and the two were very close, so that Qin Xiao could smell the wine smell from Lin Xi's slightly opened lips, with the sweetness of fruit wine.

    From the breath of Qin Xiao, he knew that the wine Lin Xi just drank should be fruit wine.

    Qin Xiao's dark eyes were fixed on Lin Xi's face, and it was almost certain that Lin Xi acted completely different from the past because he was drunk.

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