Chapter 24

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Lin Xi had already thought about letting Lin Jing stay in the hospital to recuperate. When Lin Jing recovered almost, his escape plan should also be put on the agenda. An unexpected thing happened in advance.

    Lin Xi went to the hospital to see Lin Jing one day, and unexpectedly saw Xie Hongming there.

    The young man was not wearing a military uniform but changed into his regular clothes.

    As soon as he entered the room and saw Xie Hongming's unfamiliar back, Lin Xi did not recognize it immediately.

    When Xie Hongming turned around, Lin Xi was slightly surprised, wondering why Xie Hongming appeared here.

    Then Xie Hongming expressed his intention to Lin Xi.

    He basically knew about Lin Jing. Just before Lin Xi didn't come, he asked for Lin Jing's opinion. After Lin Jing's health improved, he took him from the hospital to live there.

.Xie Hongming said with a gentle smile. He looked kind and kind, and Lin Xi could see that Xie Hongming was not discussing with him, he had already decided this matter.

    Informing Lin Xi is not to ask Lin Xi's opinion, but to let Lin Xi know that there is such a thing.

    At the end, Xie Hongming specially mentioned: "Qin Xiao doesn't like too many people in his family, it's almost the same with you."

    One more is obviously impossible.

    Even if Xie Hongming didn't specifically say it, Lin Xi knew it in his heart.

    Lin Xi did not comment on this matter. He walked up to Lin Jing and asked Lin Jing, "You agreed?"

    Lin Jing met Xie Hongming, and that day Xie Hongming and Lin Xi's owner came to the mermaid shop to buy Lin Xi.

.It was Qin Xiao who rescued him, and Xie Hongming was Qin Xiao's subordinate. Lin Jing had reason to believe that Xie Hongming would not be a bad person.

    Of course, he hoped that if possible, he could live with Lin Xi, but just thinking of the cold deep pupil staring at him that day, Lin Jing didn't dare to put forward the thoughts in his heart.

    It doesn't matter where you live, as long as you can meet Lin Xi.

    Lin Xi gave him a human name and recognized him as his younger brother. For Lin Jing, this has already made him feel very happy.

    Can't be too greedy, he should know how to be satisfied.

    "Well, is it okay?" Lin Jing asked nervously and uneasy.

    Lin Xi reached out and stroked Lin Jing's head. Facing Lin Jing's cautious, worried and expectant eyes, what else could Lin Xi say, of course he nodded.

."If someone bullies you again, you have to tell me, and I will help you beat them away." Lin Xi looked at Lin Jing, but in fact he said this to Xie Hongming.

    "Such a beautiful little cutie, no one is willing to bully him." Xie Hongming came over, reached out and squeezed Lin Jing's tender white cheeks, the little mermaid's small cheeks, delicate skin, soft when pinched.

    Lin Jing hid back, as if scared, but when he noticed his slightly flushed cheeks, Xie Hongming was in a good mood for no reason.

    I would have done this just to help Qin Xiao solve a small trouble. After all, Qin Xiao's little mermaid cares about Lin Jing very much. If Lin Jing lives in Qin Xiao's house, it will obviously disturb the lives of Qin Xiao and Lin Xi in Xie Hongming's opinion. .

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