Chapter 46

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Regarding what the red mermaid should do to seduce Kang Ming, Lin Xi did not give the red mermaid any advice.

    Because he himself is a mermaid, the mermaid species is born with a charm that is different from ordinary people.

    As long as the mermaid thinks about it, they can attract human beings with their innate unique charm.

    Not to mention the red mermaid, the fiery red fish tail was like a burning fire, even Lin Xi was moved after seeing the fiery red fish tail.

    When the red mermaid looked up at the green mountain in the distance, Lin Xi saw the flames burning in his eyes, which was an inevitable light.

    There is no doubt that he will succeed.

    Lin Xi didn't do it on a whim, he said this on purpose, to let the red mermaid approach and to lure Kang Ming.

.There was another reason here, that he had a hunch that something might happen to Kang Ming soon.

    He couldn't expose his predictive ability, so he wanted to use the red mermaid here. As long as he and the red mermaid said something, he could indirectly affect Kang Ming.

    In the past few days with Kang Ming, Lin Xi knew Kang Ming well.

    As a mercenary businessman, Kang Ming is very qualified. On the basis of this qualification, he has his own concepts and ideas. He is not the kind of person who has no bottom line and rules purely for money.

    Such a person is a good partner.

    It's just that in Lin Xi's opinion, a partnership based on interests alone may not be so reliable.

.There has been a beauty trick since ancient times. Even a ruthless and selfless person like Qin Xiao can fall down on a word of love. Lin Xi doesn't believe that Kang Ming will know how much.

    And Lin Xi could also see that the red mermaid had some thoughts on Kang Ming.

    In this case, why didn't he push, it would be beneficial to each other.

    He really wants all mermaids to be free and have the right to choose their own future destiny.

    But there is one thing that cannot be denied, that is, species like mermaids are inherently inferior to humans in terms of systems.

    They are fragile and delicate, and it is not easy for many mermaids to adapt to human life.

    These mermaids in the human world, if they are completely free and enter the deep sea, it is estimated that it will be quite difficult to even survive.

.If he can meet a suitable human, respect the mermaid, and be willing to give the mermaid equality, because he has met such a person, Lin Xi believes that there must be people like Qin Xiao.

    They consider mermaids as family, friends, lovers, not pets.

    In Lin Xi's opinion, he did not prevent this direction, and even wanted to promote such a result.

    Of course, the premise of everything is that the mermaids are willing.

    The suggestion he gave to the red mermaid, if the other party refused, Lin Xi would not force it.

    Fortunately, the red mermaid likes a challenge.

    Lin Xi knew that he had not read the wrong fish.

    About this matter, Lin Xi only talked to the red mermaid privately, and both of them kept it a secret.

    Although the red mermaid did not take the initiative to seduce anyone, the charm rooted in his bones could be radiated at any time as long as he wanted to.

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