Chapter 43

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Regarding the question of the location of the mermaid's residence in the later period, Lin Xi still asked Kang Ming for help.

    If you find another person, you will show that there will be more people who know.

    It's better to maintain this relationship with Kang Ming all the time.

    At the same time, Lin Xi didn't know that, Kang Ming had already taken a fancy to a mermaid.

    At first, he was bewitched by the extremely beautiful tail of the mermaid, and then the character displayed by the mermaid.

    But knowing that mermaids are already wary of humans, Kang Ming has restrained his interest in mermaids.

    In case there is nothing to do, the cute little mermaid is frightened.

    After Lin Xi handed over this matter to Kang Ming, the other party would contact Lin Xi and discuss with each other when he saw a suitable place.

    So far, Lin Xi has not found a place that he is very satisfied with.

.The address has to be taken slowly. In the mermaid, apart from the mermaid shop where the red mermaid is located, Lin Xi has also been to two other mermaid shops. Although the mermaids are a little wary, under the roof of others, relying on their own abilities I couldn't find another place to live, so even if I didn't trust Lin Xi, I had to wait for the follow-up arrangement.

    In the blink of an eye, it's half a month.

    Qin Xiao had caught an assassin before, and that person's ability to hide was quite strong.

    Almost single-handedly, the entire organization behind it was induced.

    Then those who had failed in the coup and attempted to turn the tables were all captured by Qin Xiao.

    As a promise to the assassin, Qin Xiao asked the assassin to serve as a second lieutenant in his army.

    However, Qin Xiao actually didn't believe this person, and sent someone to keep an eye on him.

.He even deliberately tricked the person into making a mistake, caught the other person's mistake, and put the person in jail.

    This is not to cross the river and demolish the bridge. When the other party failed to assassinate him and was captured, Qin Xiao had the right to kill the person directly, leaving the other party to do something for him and let the other party live so long.

    As long as that person can keep himself safe in prison, Qin Xiao has no interest in his life.

    Naturally, Qin Xiao did all these things outside.

    When he returned home and faced Lin Xi, he let go of his indifference and coldness.

    His gentleness and kindness were only revealed when he faced Lin Xi.

    Qin Xiao knew what Lin Xi planned to do. He wanted to help the mermaid and gain some status and benefits for the mermaid race.

    To a certain extent, it will definitely harm the interests of other people.

.I also know that the spearhead will be directed at Lin Xi.

    But Qin Xiao didn't plan to stop him, because by that time, he would also become strong enough, so strong that anyone who wanted to move Lin Xi would not have the possibility or chance.

    Originally, Qin Xiao would not deliberately pursue power and status, but because of Lin Xi, he suddenly wanted to get something.

    Then he can protect Lin Xi's life in peace.

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