Chapter 28

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Desire comes silently.

    It came without warning and was strong, like a flood that had opened its gates, and the flood called desire rushed out from the flood.

    Before that, the instincts of this creature were effectively controlled by Qin Xiao. He devoted himself to busy work, and his personal needs were almost equivalent to none.

    Qin Xiao stared coldly at the young man walking upstairs. It seemed that after the young man appeared, the surge of desire showed some signs.

    Even Qin Xiao himself was quite surprised. He didn't expect that one day, just because he saw Lin Xi's long and slender neck exposed outside his neckline, he would give birth to the desire to leave a trace on that snow-white skin. idea.

    The boy was kept at home by him. In theory, the boy who was a mermaid completely belonged to Qin Xiao.

.However, the expression and attitude shown by the young man kept telling Qin Xiao, the owner, that the young man did not belong to him.

    Even when he occasionally saw Lin Xi swinging his fish tail and swimming in the fish pond in the garden, Qin Xiao had a strange feeling. He always felt that maybe a mermaid boy who didn't pay attention would suddenly disappear from his sight in the next second.

    If the young man really disappeared, Qin Xiao's eyes burst out with an extremely dangerous luster.

    He absolutely couldn't let that happen.

    The pace of Lin Xi's departure was getting faster and faster, Qin Xiao's vision was sharp, and he immediately noticed that Lin Xi seemed to be fleeing upstairs.

    Qin Xiao stood up from the sofa, and he also walked towards the stairs.

    Lin Xi, who was about to reach the second floor, stopped for a while, his body turned back slightly stiffly, and then he stood on a high place and lowered his eyes to look down at the owner who was really walking towards him.

.There was an expression on the owner's face that Lin Xi had never seen before, as if a large carnivorous beast had found a delicious prey, ready to show its sharp fangs at any time, bite the neck of the prey, and then tear it apart and eat it.

    Lin Xi stepped back, there were still two steps behind him, he swayed, grabbing the railing next to him to stabilize his body.

    Under Qin Xiao's high-pressure gaze, Lin Xi was conscious, and his reason was urging Lin Xi to leave the room quickly. At that moment, his body suddenly refused to obey.

    When Qin Xiao walked to Lin Xi's side, and there was only one step between the two, Lin Xi seemed to have regained some control over his body.

    But when Lin Xi could control his body and was about to turn around, Qin Xiao grabbed his hand.

    Before Lin Xi could react and struggle, the next moment his entire body suddenly fell forward.

.Qin Xiao was in front of him, so he fell straight to the man.

    His face hit the man. The man was still wearing a military uniform. He used to handle official duties in the study, and he didn't change his home clothes when he went downstairs to drink water.

    Lin Xi's face was knocked on by the button on Qin Xiao's military uniform, and his tender white skin was immediately scratched red.

    A little pain, Lin Xi frowned.

    With a look of surprise on his face, he didn't know what to say about this unexpected development. He followed him and left the ground with both feet. Then Lin Xi found himself being beaten by Qin Xiao and held in suspicion.

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