Disney+ and Snuggles

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Hi yes. It's been like 64 years. Shoot me.

Here's a chapter guys. Sorry it's short but I'm working on the next part right now so, it should be up sooner than this was.

Sorry for disappearing for a while.

Also this mentions a deleted scene so if you haven't seen it then Welp. It's at the top so I recommend watching it :))

Also another reason I've been MIA is I've been reading a lot of fanfiction from another show and I went down a rabbit hole.

I'm still in the rabbit hole but I'm also here so.

Enjoy this chapter! :))


"Can we watch a movie?"

Merlin looks up from his book to see Clary smiling at him, standing in front of him in a Belle costume with her brown hair in pigtails. Lilith is chilling beside her while Clary's hand is petting her head.

The dragon seems to follow the kid around a lot which isn't as concerning as Merlin would have thought in the first place.

Merlin puts his bookmark in the book. "What movie did you wanna watch?" He asks and Clary grins, climbing on the couch beside him. He turns on Disney+ and clicks Clary's profile, which is a picture of Olaf.

"I wanna watch Encanto!" She says and Lilith jumps up on the couch beside her and rests her head on her lap.

Merlin raises an eyebrow. "Encan-? What?" He asks, clearly never heard of that movie before.

Clary frowns at him. "Merlin, don't you go on the internet?" She asks and Merlin gives her a deadpan look while she giggles.

He sighs, turning back to the tv and scrolling down til he finds a movie called Encanto. He clicks play and sets the remote down, going to grab for his book to continue reading when Clary makes an offended sound from beside him.

He looks up at her confused. She frowns. "Watch it with me?" She asks blinking at him and he slowly nods his head. She grins and throws herself at him, her landing on his lap. She grabs the blanket that's folded on the back of the couch and throws it over them both and snuggles into Merlin who smiles down at her.

"Have you seen this yet?" Merlin asks and Clary just shushes him causing him to chuckle.

On the screen is a small child with glasses and an old lady holding a candle.

"This candle holds the miracle given to our family." The old lady says.

Merlin continues watching, the first song catching him totally of guard at first. Okay so they all have powers- er okay gifts as they call it.

"This is giving me Hamilton vibes." Merlin mumbles to himself as Clary snuggles closer, he tightens his arms around the child as she watches the movie with wide eyes.

"Hush Merlin, watch the movie." She says grabbing his hand in her small hands and is just holding it while watching the movie.

Merlin's gaze goes down to where she's holding him and then to Clary's face. He tightens his hand around hers a little and she turns and grins at him then quickly looks back to the movie.

As the movie plays they eventually end up laying down on the couch, cuddling in the blanket, watching the rest of the movie.

Clary softly singing to the songs it's seems she's heard a million times. When Bruno comes onto the screen Clary turns to look at him. "Doesn't he sound like that one guy from that one movie?" She says and before Merlin can even begin to try and answer that one, she turns back to the movie to see Mirabel and Bruno talking by some plants.

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