Shopping Bags and Video Games

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"I'm gonna get the good endings." Merlin says to himself as he plays a video game on the PS4. "Sometimes the camera angle gets in the way though and I wanna throttle David Cage." He says again to no one but he can hear Arthur clanking away in the kitchen doing god knows what at this time of the day. Clary left about an hour ago and Merlin decided to try playing video games for the first time and Arthur is trying to cook. Ah yes cooking. That's what he's doing, well trying to do.

He doesn't think Arthur has ever cooked in his life to be honest. Wonder if they'll have to use magic to put out a fire...

Arthur is trying to cook. Oh god.

"What in the seven hells are you talking about Merlin?" Speak of the devil. Arthur asks coming into the living room and Merlin has to do a double take on the apron Arthur is wearing.

"Kiss me cause I'm Irish" Is on it. How typical.

He giggles. "Nothing just talking to myself about the game I'm currently playing." He says and Arthur raises a blond eyebrow at him.

"What is even happening?" Arthur asks coming more into the living room to see the tv.

The door opens and a voice rings out. "Darlings I'm home!" And in comes Holly.

"Hey Holly." Merlin yells out watching as she comes into the living room with bags on her arms. Who the fuck knows what's in the bags these days.

"What's in the bags?" Merlin asks. Holly looks down at the bags that are still hanging from her arms and grins at them.

"I got something for you guys!" She squeals and drops the bags on the ground in front of the coffee table. She digs through the bags and pulls out an old looking box and hands it to Merlin who looks confused as he takes it from her.

"What the hell is this?" He asks and Holly laughs and waves him off making him look away and blink as Lilith comes in to see what the noise is all about from where ever she was in the house.

"Arthur! I got you this!" She pulls out a little box and Merlin automatically knows its a POP figure and starts chuckling at the look on Arthur's face as he gently takes the box.

"What is this thing?" He asks and Holly chuckles before motioning for him to read the box. He reads it out loud. "King Arthur." He looks at Holly then he looks back to Merlin who is watching him with eyes that show love.

"Merlin what's yours?" He changes the subject and Holly just rolls her eyes but turns to Merlin anyways.

"You're a hard person to get shit for; just saying oh powerful one." She gestures to the box still in Merlin's hands. It feels heavy in his hands. Like, not the box itself but the aura around it is dark and heavy and he's not surprised Holly hasn't felt it. It almost makes Merlin want to cough and put the box far away but something is keeping it in his hands. "I found that in an old antique shop. The lady practically gave it to me for nothing cause it doesn't even open, all she said is that it was old and sealed shut which I thought was weird but you're a weird guy so it's perfect for you." She finishes shrugging and Merlin looks from her to the box.

"Holly, this is-" He cuts himself off placing the box gently on the table in font of him and wipes his hands on his sweat pants, almost to get the darkness surrounding it off his hands. "This is dark. How did you even come across it?" He asks eyeing it and Holly frowns down at the box she just brought into there home.

"I was just looking around and saw it and thought about how you like weird shit and when the lady told me it wouldn't open I knew it would intrigue you. It got me." She says and Merlin picks up the box again and turns it around, checking it out again and sure shit its got ruins and magic markings on it.

"Well for one thing I know, its magic." That catches everyone's attention. "Dark magic." He looks up at everyone and there's worry in both sets of eyes watching him. "I can open it but its going to take some time cause its hard magic. Not impossible, but hard." He says and they nod at him. "I'll do it tomorrow." He says placing the box down on the table to be dealt with later and looks back as Holly gasps loudly.

"Lilith! I got something for you as well!" She says grabbing the other bag that's different than the others. She digs in it and pulls out a toy that's shaped like a hedgehog and she presses it and it makes a weird sound that catches the young dragons attention right away and her tail starts going back and fourth, just like a dog.

She throws the toy up in the air and the dragon fly's up and catches the toy in her mouth before flopping back on the ground and the sound keeps going off cause of her. Yeah that's not going to get annoying. Holly pulls out a few different ones some with fur and some that look sturdy to last a little while maybe. "I got her a few different ones cause she's a dragon and not a dog so..."

She finally looks at the tv. "That guys hot." She blurts out and both Merlin and Arthur look at her. "What? For an animated character he's hot." She shrugs.

"That guy? I mean yeah he's hot but the other one is hotter." He says and Holly sits beside him on the couch and Arthur sits in the chair. "Check the next guy out." He says just as the guy in the screen finishes talking.

"Who's this guy anyways?" Holly asks.

"That guy is Markus." Is all Merlin says before the screen changes and it comes back on to a bar.

And a very attractive guy walking up to it with brown hair.

"Oooh." Holly says then whistles. His face comes into view and she chuckles low. "You weren't kidding."

"That's Connor." Merlin grins over at Holly who grins back and scoots forward more. "He's my favourite." He explains.

"Well then other guy from what I saw had a really nice ass as well." Merlin laughs at Holly's words and Arthur rolls his eyes.

Merlin plays the game and Connor meets a guy named Hank.

"Ohhh this line I've seen him say and it's what he always says."  Merlin jumps and hits Holly's leg making her giggle at him.

"Lieutenant Anderson, my name is Connor, I'm the android sent by Cyberlife." And Merlin falls over with glee.

"God I love Connor." He says and keeps playing and Holly keeps asking questions that Merlin answers and even Arthur jumps in with some of his own questions. "Robot or not I'd fuck him." That earns him a look from Arthur and Merlin shrugs. "What? I'm being honest."

They take turns playing each character, Merlin plays Connor, Holly plays Kara and Arthur plays Markus. "This is such a weird game." Holly says as she makes Kara and Alice sleep in an abandoned car.

"I agree. But I honestly love it." Merlin says as he throws another piece of pizza onto his plate and eats it. As you can see Arthur gave up and they ordered pizza instead. Next time Merlin will teach him some cooking skills.

They just ordered pizza and are gonna keep playing games for a while. "We should play Mario Carts." Holly says and Arthur makes a 'what' sound with a mouth full of pizza.

"Mario Carts is a game." Merlin waves him off and Arthur just rolls his eyes. Lilith is sleeping on top of Merlin's feet not even bothered by anything. She was begging for pizza earlier but Merlin put a stop to that real quick. It's bad enough when a normal dog does it but imagine a young dragon looking at you for food? Yeah would be pretty hard to pass up.

They play DBH for a while before they change games to Mario Cart and Holly kicks both there asses- which is normal for her and Merlin to be honest. He should have known better.

"That's it." Holly says standing from her spot in the couch, stretching her arms above her head. "I'm calling it a night." She picks up her crumbs filled plate and walks to the kitchen to put it in the dishwasher. She comes back into the living room to say goodnight then blows them both a kiss before heading up the stairs to her bedroom.

Merlin turns to look at Arthur who is already staring at him with eyes full of love. "I love you."

Merlin all but jumps Arthur and lands on his lap, pulling him into a hot kiss. "I love you to..." Merlin says between kissing Arthur hard on the mouth. "Hey Arthur?" He mumbles into his lips and Arthur makes a sound in the back of his throat before gently pulling back a little to meet Merlin's eyes, which are hooded. He leans in and grazes there lips together before whispering. "Prove it."

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