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Dad pulled me into his arms and held me close. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tightly not wanting to let go.

"I'm so sorry baby," Gemma says rubbing my back

I turned my head laying my ear against Pop's chest as I looked at Gemma.

"it's not something I'd ever want anyone to experience" I replied

"Your home know and if you ever need us no matter the time we are here" John says

"I don't wanna burden you all with my shit" I replied

dad grabbed my arms and pushed back making me look at him.

"Azelline Catina Tragger you listen to me and you listen good." dad says

I nodded my head

"You're my daughter and someone special to everyone here. so don't ever say whatever and I mean ever say you're a burden or you'll burden us. we are family and wee protect family which you know. so whatever bothers you you best tell us. cause if I find out your harboring something I will take you over my lap and spank your ass like I had when you were little" pops warned

"Alright" I say

"good girl" he says then hugs me again and kisses my head.

After that was said I told them all the good things that happened to me.

"wait so your the one that bought that shop with the aparentmet?" Bobby asked

"yea it is not joined with any other business and I don't have to worry about being late to work" I replied

"have you fully moved in?" Juice asked

"Yep.the movers got that taken care of. and now all thats left is the shipments and getting the shop ready" I replied

"will you need help?" Opie asked

"probably" I answered

"you call and let us know and we will do what we can to help," John says

"thanks, J" I say

 he smiled and nodded his head.

"I consider you my daughter so anything I can do to help you I will," he says

"Alright I've got to take some prospects and grab the things needed for the party. so you go and get dressed up. and you better be back here before eight. if not I will come and get you myself" Gemma says

"I will be here" I assured

"good" she says before she left with some prospects

"alright I best go before she has a hissy" I joked as I pecked pops on the cheek and waved by to the others before leaving.

I went home and got dressed in an outfit I knew would get a shocking reaction from some while Gemma would be happy about.

I looked over my outfit which was a red plunging neckline halter top, leather leggings, and black heels with skulls.

I headed back to the club house and I seen I had arrived just in time cause the party was in full swing.

I climbed out and headed passed some sons who when seeing me their jaw dropped.

When I seen Gemma she whiislted.

"thats my girl. you're gonna have this boys drooling at the jaws" she says

I smiled as wrapped my arm around her as we walked in.

I could hear some type of music but didn't pay any mind to it just walked away from Gemma as she headed for J while I went to the bar. when I got closer I watched Chibs spit his beer out.

"Mary mother of christ" he says looking at me.

I smiled before winking at him while those who was around him looked at me and their jaws dropped.

"Are you trying to cause a fight or make Chibs have a heartattack?" pops asked

"what?" I asked

He looked at me

" I'm not doing anything" I stated 

"Just be a careful baby" he says

"always pops" I tell him before I peck his cheek and walked around the bar and stood before Chibs 

"Hi Chibzy" I greeted

"Hi Lassie" he replied

"you ok?" I asked

"I think I've gone to heaven," he says

I smiled.

"well I can't have my favorite Scotty in heaven when I'm wanting him in paradise with me," I say then winked before I walked off dad laughed having heard that while Chibs looked stunned.

I've always had a crush on Chibs. I didn't care if he's older than me. I know older guys know how to pleasure a woman and treat them. besides Chibs has aged like fine wine. 

I hung out with some of the ladies that were there and danced with a few of the sons before I stood in the middle of the dance floor and danced while keeping my gaze on Chibs who was watching me the whole night.

pops said something to him but he wasn't paying any attention fully he was distracted. and the minute I beckoned him to me he put his Guniss down and made his way to me.

"Hi love" I greeted

He grabbed me and pulled me flush up against him.

I grinned and turned in his arms and lifted my arm and wrapped it around his neck as I kept dancing. 

"you playing with fire lassie," he says

"then let me burn Athair"  I replied

He turned me around making my hand drop and lifted my face up and kissed the shit out of me.

I fisted his hair and held him there deepening the kiss.

Intertwined Souls ( completed)) ((not edited)Where stories live. Discover now