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He held the back of my head as we continued to kiss.

 I could faintly hear cheering and whistling around us. 

We broke part and rested our foreheads against each other.

"Thats one hell of a welcome home" I commented

He chuckled

"I really enjoyed it and hope to do it again." I tell him

He pulls back and looks at me dropping his hand from my head.

" what I told you at the bar when I walked up to you I meant every word." I tell him

"You want me to pleasure you in ways only lovers do?" he asked

"you're the only one I'd ever let do that to me" I replied before I started kissing him again.

"Okay you two break apart so we can eat then two can take it to her place or his and be wild" Gemma says

I pulled back and looked at Gemma.

"lets go" she says

I dropped my hand and took hold of his as we followed Gemma to where she had food sat up.

"baby girl go make yourself and Chibs a plate. I wanna talk to my brother here" Pops says

I looked at him before inclining my head before I kissed Chibs and walked off letting pops and him talk.

"Staking claim?" Jax asked

"I've wanted him for the longest time but he was still married to Fiona. now that he is divorced he's all mine" I replied

"well then he'll get the brother talk" Jax says

I looked at him.

"I'm pretty sure pops is giving him all sorts of you hurt my daughter brother or not I'll take mayhem after I beat your ass if not kill you for hurting my baby" I say

"thats the pops version not brother" Jax says

"fine" I say knowing it be useless to say anything else

He smirks and walked off along with Opie.

I took a seat watching as pops walked off while Jax and Opie gave Chibs the brother warning.

"finally making a move huh?" pops asked

"couldn't do anything while he was with his wife. now he's fair game he's mine" I replied

"well he's got my warning and now he's got Jax and Opie's so I'm sure he wont fuck up." pops says

"I don't think CHibs would ever do like my ex. he's more of a man then that piece of hit." I replied

"damn right," CHibs says finally coming to join

"besides the only hitting will be sexual. and I'm not getting into detail with my dad on that" I say

He smirks.

"that's my girl," pop says

I laughed before I looked over at Chibs and winked then dug into my food and looked up at Gemma who was sponsoring a shit eating grin.

The rest of the homecoming party was a blast.

I Chibs took me home with him having me leave my car at the lot.

We tugged and removed one another's clothes as we staggered blindly towards his room not wanting to stop kissing.

I turned and pushed him on the bed watching him crawl backward before I crawled up and kissed his thighs before I licked up his shaft and twirled my tongue around his tip making him drop down and moan.

"Fuckin hell" he moaned

I smirked and kissed his tip before I moved down and licked the vein on the underside of his cock repeatedly.

When I decided I've teased him enough I took him fully in my mouth and blew his mind and world. He fisted my hair and started fucking my throat.

He pulled me away before he could cum and laid me down kissing me before he let my hair go and started kissing his way down my body.

 I moaned when he flicked my nipples with his tongue and suckled on them roughly before moving on.

 he licked my thighs and spread my legs move before he dove into my core and ravished me like an hungered animal.

I fisted his hair and started moving my hips which he didn't like cause he used his arm to hold me still as he continued the sweet sweet torture.

"Oh Filip " I moaned

He pulled back and looked at me.

"I love hearing you moaning my name as I eat your pussy" he says then goes back down and starts suckling my clit.

I arched my back and cried out for more. He used my pussy juices to coat two of his fingers before slipping them inside of me and started finger fucking me.

"Ughhhhh.............." I cried out.

"come for me Azzy" he says

"I wanna cum on your cock Athair not your fingers" I tell him

after pumping his fingers a few more times he removes them and overs them to me as he kissies my pussy then moves up over me.

I suck his fingers clean before moving them away as I pull him down to me and star kissing him as he positions his tip at my entrance and seeths himself deep inside of me.

I break from the kiss moaning his name as I cling to his shoulders.

"I've long todo this" he says

"I've wanted this for so long but I didn't wanna do anything while you was with Fiona" I tell him

"Well now I'm divorced. so now we can have each other" he says

"and I plan to have you Filip. for here on out till the reaper takes us away" I tell him before pulling him back down and kissing him as I filp us over and start riding him. 

I grab his hand and pin them by his head and I star bouning on him and clenching my walls around his girth reapeadly til lI climax mulitplue times.

He flips us back over and pins my hands over my head using one hand to hold them there while he lifts my legs higher up and fucks me so much deeper than what  he was.

I screamed out in pleasure begged him to end the sweet torture and to cum with me. he leaned back down after I orgamsed again and started kissing me as he let my hands go.

I grabbed his face turned his head and licked his scar before toding the same to the other side before I went back to kissing him as I slapped his ass and grabbed it.

He lifts his head and looks at me. the two of us panting as he continues to fuck me roughly.

" where do you want it?" he asked

"right where your are" I replied 

After a few more thrusts the two of us climax together before he continues till he softens up then he carefully slips out lets me go and goes to grab a rag to clean me up before tossing it and joining me in bed pulling me up against him and kisses me before I lay my head on his chest.

"That was much better then I pictured it" he says

I lifted my head and smirk.

"Cant wait to do it all over again" I tell him

"aye" he says before reaching up and grabbing the back of my head pulling me to him and kisses me like he done during the welcome home party.

Intertwined Souls ( completed)) ((not edited)Where stories live. Discover now