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from my craving of wanting Chibbzy al the time and my pregnancy hormones, I was a horny mess.

 there wants I time of that the didn't go by that I didn't think of all the ways I wanted to fuck or get fucked by Chibs.

 a grand majority of that was public sex but I wasn't going to do that and risk my dad seeing that or any man seeing my nude body or any female seeing Chibbzy's.

Chibs loves the fact that I crave him so much. and how I cant stop kissing him and touching him. which I to in front of the others but the touching doesn't get sexual.

 "will you to go get a room" Gemma says

"I'm not doing anything" I stated

"the way your being around Chibs is making me want to take JT and ravish him" she replied

"go for it" I say

She jsuts looks at me while I smile and stand up taking hold of Chib's hand and head off inside.

I lay down on the bed in the apartment we use for lockdown. and wait for him to strip down and join me.

He taskign his time knowing just how much I crave him.

"can we skip to the good part?" I asked

"which is?" he asked

"you nuse and inside of me" I replied

He chuckles before crawling on the bed and trailign kisses along my stomach and talks Galic to our baby before moving up and teasing my nipples.

"cant wait til they grow fuller with the milk you will nurse our son with" he says

"you as well when he doesn't eat enough" I replied

"Aye." he says

I leaned up a bit and meeting hm half way and started kissing him as he positions him self right at my slit and pushes deeply inside.

"Oh Athair...." I moaned as I fist his had and grip his shoulder.

"so bloody tie," he says

"so fucking big" I replied

he leans down as he continued to make love to me and starts littering my neck with kisses and love bites.

I tolled us over and braced myself using the headboard and the pillow by his head as he latches on and sucks my breath while and rock my hips on him enjoying the pleasing feeling that only Chibs can give me.

 I leaned down laying my head on his and cry out when he bites my nipple and pulled before realising and doing it again multiple times. 

I lift up and really start bouncing which me removing my breast from his mouth he didn't like. cause he sat up and went back to suck it again but I lifted his head and wrapped my arms around him and started licking his scars before I started kissing him.

"I'm gonna cum Athair" I moaned

"do it baby, cum on Athair's cock." he says 

I laid my head back and bounced more as he slaps my ass and latches right back on my breast.

Climax after climax slips through me and the feeling of his warm spill deep inside of me is enough to make me horny all over again.

"Please Athair lay me down and make sweet love to me." I pleaded

Being careful not to disrupt or injure my stomach he lays me down and does just as I had asked him to.

He reaches between us and starts to rub my clit making me moan that much louder.

I go from pleading to moaning, then whining, to begging for more and for the pleasure to never stop.

After all, is said and down and he's cleaned me up he lays beside my stomach softly touching and creasing it as he talks to our baby. telling him different stories and how he fell in love with me.  

He told our son of how amazing I am and how he's gonna have a crazy grandpa. and one hell of a crazy family that will love him for the rest of his life.

Intertwined Souls ( completed)) ((not edited)Where stories live. Discover now