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I should have known that one of my sisters would've come looking for pops and wanting something. 

It's the only reason they talk to him.

Dawn is the main one who comes looking for money while Fawn treats dad like shit. which both of their days are coming. and today might just be Dawn's.

I was hanging out at the clubhouse while the guys were scattered about doing something for the club.

I sat before Piney talking with him as Chuck handed Piney his drink when my druggie sister walked in.

Gemma and I both looked at her as she stepped more into the clubhouse.

She walked towards Gemma and they changed a few words before\ Gemma walked off probably to call and tell pops that his druggie daughter is here.

Dawn looked at me and didn't utter a single word which I really don't give two shits if she even fucking breaths in my direction or not. 

when she walked back she told Dawn pops was on his way and that if she needed anything Chucky would get it for her.

I watched as Dawn hugged Gemma saying thank you. and Gemma looked like she rather hit Dawn than hug her was slight entertainment.

Dawn walked over towards the pool table while Gemma looked at me before she walked out.

I went back to talking with Piney as Tara walked in and started talking with Gemma before she sat Thomas in his car seat down.

Gemma walked over and started messing with the car seat as Tara started to leave.

I knew the minute skank no tits walked out that shit was gonna occur.

"what are you doing here?" Tara asked stopping in her tracks from leaving.

"Morning to you as well" Ima replied

I rolled my eyes. 

 "Why are you here?" I asked

"I was invited as a guest" Ima replied,

"by who?" Tara asked

"don't worry it wasn't Jax," Ima says

Piney and I watched as Gemma and Tara got in Ima's face and told her to leave. 

When Ima stood there like she was something Gemma got more in her face as did Tara and Gemma said something causing Ima to walk off.

When she walked back towards the dorms I grabbed the car seat and moved Thomas out of the way. 

Tara walked out the door with  Gemma trailing after her while I sat before Thomas and gently got him out and held him in my arms. playing around with him a bit making him smile and make cute baby noises.

it wasn't till ima walked out and Lyla came in did pornstar drama happened.

I stood there by the side door in case I needed to get Thomas out of there quickly.

When Lyla started approaching Ima after questioning her and Ima being her stupid self. dad,gemma, tara and bobby walked in.

pops being pops tried defusing the situation which caused Ima to draw her pee shooter. 

I handed Thomas to piney he walked further away from Ima and out of range of her gun with Thomas safely in his arms.

When Ima pointed her gun from my dad towards Lyla I snuck up and wrapped my arms around her throat and chocked her. she dropped her gun which Bobby rushed to grab.

"do you not learn anything or is your brain to fucking tiny to comprehend shit?" I asked as she struggled to free herself.

I walked Ima to the door and shoved her ass out. 

"you come here again and I will blow a hole in your fucking head" I say before closing the door in her face.

While everyone checked on each other I walked over just as pops greeted Dawn and checked on her.

"thank you" Lyla says

"not to sound like a bitch but I didn't handle her ass for you. I did it cause she fucking pointed her gun at me while I was holding a baby and my dad. which I don't fucking let trash do him dirty and get by with it." I say not caring how anyone took it

She nodded her head and walked off, while Gamme told bobby to call Opie and Tara took Thomas from Piney and checked on him.

I stood there with my arms crossed watching pops bask in the short lived happyniess of Dawn being around.

"can we cut through this shitty I'm back horseshit and get the fuck on with why your here?" I asked looking at Dawn

Pops put her down and looked at me but I was staring at her.

"what I cant come see dad without you claiming I want something?" she asked

"no you cant cause you nor Fawn ever come to see him. you never fucking call unless one of you two want something" I replied

"woah sis I feel the love" she says

"get on with what the fuck you are wanting before I lay hands on you" I say

she looked at pops before looking back at me and scuffed.

"your a bitch" she says

"thats Mrs. Bitch to your fucking crack head ass. now fucking  say why your here and get going back to what ever crack house you've crawled from." I say

"I'm here for dad" she says

"right and I'mgonan be patched SAMCRO president" I replied 

she rolled her eyes

"Last fucking warning Dawn. and I swear every fucking thing reaper you ask for money and I will drag your ass. and if pops want to butt in then I'll get into with him I don't give two shit." 

"fine."she say before looking at dad

"Fawn is sick and I need.." 

Before she could finish I walked over and popped her right in  the face piney moved pops back while I handled his crack head of a druggie offspring.

"your not getting a fucking dime. you will get the fuck out of charming and go back to your fucking lowlife friends and shoot up and go back to pretending pops doesn't exist and if you call fawn on me I'll beat her fucking ass too" I say before grabbing a handful of Dawn's hair and dragged her kicking and screaming towards the door that Chucky opened and I tossed her out.

"now thats two bags of trashed that was tossed.." I say brushing my hands together as I walked back to where I was and faced pops.

"you can be pissed off at me, you can hate me, you can be fucking mad at me all you want. but I will not allow her nor Fawn to treat you like garbage and then come seeking money knowing or hoping you'd do it just to have some time with them. I love you and I respect you more then I do my piss poor excuse of an egg donor. and I will fight my so called sisters every fucking time the treat you like shit and are around me. I will fight with you over them. but always know that I'm not ever backing down." I tell pops

He pulled me into his arms and hugged my tightly.

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