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It never seems to fail that whenever something good happens for the sons and their family that something is waiting around the corner to ruin it or fuck the week or day up.

Which is just what had happened. After Chibs and I got engaged then found out we are to be parents some fuckers started shit by threatening Gemma and Lyla.

So we were all put on lockdown. which I had to explain to my manager that for a while I will be handling personal matters and wont be able to come in. but if it's an absolute emergency then call me and I will tend to it.

From the first day of the lockdown till now I've been busy doing what ol' ladies do. I've helped make sure everything was tended to. that there was food in the fridge, if there wasn't make a list of what was needed. I helped Gemma make sure that the families and visiting charters were settled.

Tara came over handed me Thomas and took over so I could go and rest. so I went to the couch where the other kids were and sat down. Abel scooted closer and I wrapped my arm around him after situating Thomas who started drifting off to sleep.

Once everything was taken care and Gemmea headed out with some prospects  Tara came and got sleeping thomas and walked of with him while I stayed there with the kids watching Toons.

"I never did thank you."

I looked back watching Jax approach.

"for what?" I asked

"what you did when Ima pulled her stunt after screwing Opie" he says

"well she screwed up and I handled her" I replied avoiding cursing while Able and theothers was this close.

"You had Thomas in your arms when she pulled it and you had Piney take him and walk further away so he'd not be in firing rang." he says

"I know" I replied

"So thank you for doing that and taking her out" he says

"nop problem bub," I tell him

he smiled and nodded before scooping up Able who started dozing off.

I looked towards the others and saw that Ellie and Kenny were sleeping.

 "Psst.. Opiz" I whispered 

He looked over at me

"what?" he asked

"your babies are crashed out" I tell him

he stands and makes his way over and smiles before fully walking over to his babies and he picked them both up and carried them off to the room where they always stay during lockdown.

Happy walked over along with pops, and Chibs and they all sat on the couch while the parents of the now snoozing kids came and picked them up and walked off to the room they were staying in.

I was sandwiched between my ol man and pops.

"getting a break for a while?" I asked

"for the moment " pops replied

"and yu three decided to watch Toons?" I asked

"why not?" Happy asked

"figured you'd find some crow eating pussy, while dad done the same" I replied

"nah." he and pops say

"besides your much better company than those girls" happy says

"cause I'm a Tragger and we are such entertainment. you never know what will happen around us" I replied

"that's right" pops agreed

"what about you Chibzzy?" I asked looking at him

"what about me?" he asked

"what brought you over to watch some toons?" I asked

"my baby momma" he replied

"well, she's lucky then. cause she's having a baby with you" I replied

"Nah lassie I'm the lucky bastard for being with her" he replied

"let's agree to disagree" I replied

He nodded his head before leaning in and giving me a kiss before we focused back on the toons before JT called church.

Intertwined Souls ( completed)) ((not edited)Where stories live. Discover now