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The day finally came when Chibzzy and I would get to see if our baby was as we wanted them to be or would we be getting a girl.

As I laid there watching the screen while Chibs sat by my side holding my hand and the obgyn tried to find out what mine and Chibzzy's baby was I could help but not fall more in love with our baby just listening to their heart beating and seeing them moving about on the screen.

"alright looks like we 've got something " the dcortor announced

 "Whats the verdict?" Chibzzy asked

"looks like its a boy" she announced

I looked at Chibs and smiled before pulling him down to me and kissing him while the doctor laughed and started taking pictures for us.

 once we pulled away we looked back at the screen and watched our son move about.

"alright. things are looking great still so keep up the good work. and I will see you at your next appointment." she says before excusing her self to get the pictures.

I cleaned my stomach and kissed Chibs again before pulling my shirt down. 

I cant wait to tell Pops he's getting a grandson" I tell Chibzzy.

"He's gonna love it as will the others' he was as he helps me off the bed.

"here you go and congratulations on your son" she say

"thank you so much doctor. Claudia" I say as I took the pictures and smiled just seeing mine and Chibzzy's baby boy.

We made our way out of the hospital and headed straight for the clubhouse where they one was waiting and gemma already had the revel colors of both sex just in case.

Together Chibs and I walked into the clubhouse not saying anything or giving anything away just walked up to the right device and walked back outside with everyone following trying to get hints or something from us.

 We say nothing as we stood together. Chibzzy was behind me as we aim the device high and shoot it off revealing that there is a little son due.

Pops and Gemma cheered along with the others before they came over hugging and congratulating us on our little son.

We all headed back in to celebrate that we are having a boy.

That day felt like it couldn't get any better. we finally found out we was having as son and now we can fully pick his name and not stay in debate and decorate the nursery before we wait for him to come into this world.

"any names?" Pops asked

"its still up in the air. but we are getting closer to which of the the names we really like" I replied

 "well lbe sure to tell me cause I wanna know what my grandson's name is " Pops says

"Of course we'll tell ya" Chibs assures pops

before they hug each other and walk off while Gemma and I talk about different things then Tara came over to join in.

After while I just sat there rubbing my stomach and got lost in thought of what min and Chibzzy's baby will looking like. which of the two of us he'll favor. and I really wanna have a mini Filip I mean that would be so adorable.

"whats got your mind lassie?" Chibzzy asked as he walked over and sat where Gemma was minutes prior. 

he sat there close and started rubbing my stomach as he wrapped his another arm around me.

"just thinking what our baby boy will look like and hoping he is your mini me." I replied as h

"Yea?" he asked

"yea gotta have my tall scared king and my mini Scottish prince" I replied

 he smiled and leaned in to kiss me as I brushed my thumb along his scar.

We pulled back and just watched everyone continue to celebrate and have fun.

Intertwined Souls ( completed)) ((not edited)Where stories live. Discover now