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Min e and Chibzzy's big day arrived and I couldn't wait for pops to give me away to the scared prince who stole my heart when I was sixteen.

deciding that I was gonna give this wedding sort of a Celtic/Scottish theme to it. I slipped on a medieval type Celtic dress with a hood after I had done my hair in curls then braided it some.Once that was done I went with a silver look and slipped on some black lace heels. 

After I was fully ready Gemma and pops walked in seeing me.

"Oh baby you look so beautiful" Gemma says as she took it my whole appearance.

I looked at pops who was crying.

"awe pops" I way reaching for him.

 He walks up and wrapps his arms around me and kisses my cheek.

"I promise no mater what your still my first love." I tell him

"as you are mine" he say before missing my cheek again.

I smiled and wiped his tears before rubbing his shoulders.

"ready to give me away to your best friend and brother?" I asked

"no not really ut I know I've got nothing to worry about cause Chibs is a great man and I know you both love each other and that this is the day the two of you have longed for" he says

"well then lets go get our girl married" Gemma says before walking out the door

 pops looked at me once more before we followed Gemma out of the room and headed to the alter.

I smiled when I saw Chibs wearing his culture's wedding attire which was a button up shirt, a kilt, with a sachel in the front . he put his vest over the button up and had on some black combat books so he had his culture and his club mixed together which is what I had asked him when I proposed to him.

As I stood before him he looked at me and smiled before carefully lowering the hood then taking my hands.

As JT dod the honors of marrying us.

From the vows to the exchange of rings Chibs and I couldn't stop smiling and looking at the other. 

When JT produced us husband and wife Chibs dint wait for you may kiss your bride. he just done it. which caused everything the laugh as they cheered and clapped.

H grabbed his hand and headed up the Ailse before we split up to change out of our wedding attire and into our reception one. 

when I walked back out Chibs was in his full Sons outfit while I was in a strapless black dress.

 We headed off to join the others in a reception. 

Our whole reception was one big SAMCRO style party since the wedding ceremony was Scottish/ Celtic. 

When it came time for Chibs and I to leave we tossed the garter and bouquet before getting on his Harley and riding off into the sunset to have some fun in our brand new house the two of us purchased after I sold my apartment once I moved my business somewhere with much more space.

The whole Honeymoon Chibs and I never left the house we were to busy loving on each other and Christening the rooms and backyard to care about what occurred out the front down.

 When it drew closer for our honeymoon to be over, Chibs and I reluctantly left the house going back to our every day lives knowing that we can still do what we had on our honeymoon just had to join the others in the real world.

Intertwined Souls ( completed)) ((not edited)Where stories live. Discover now