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As my pregnancy progressed Chibzzy has been so helpful with so much. I mean he's been there to show me that despite the change in my body that he loves me. and that this won't last forever. it's just our son growing inside of me.

 When he's not doing that he's helping me with the pain of the weight of the milk in my breast. 

we've made it sorta like a routine when he is home. every night and every morning he'll drink from me before we go to sleep or head off to work.

 Whenever he's not there to help me with something. pops or Gemma is there to help me. lAley pops and have been telling me about their experience and what they've witnessed as women carried. 

Gemma never held back anything on the whole labor telling me she wants me to fully know what's gonna happen so that nothing will surprise me or freak me out.

When neither of them are around to aid me with anything I might need I am at my work making new jewelry with mine and Chibnbzzy's baby boy in mind. 

The Appomnets always turn out as the should with no issues or anything bad going on.

"he's just chilling out in there awaiting the day he is to arrive" Dr. Cluadia joked

"he's gonna be like his dad. calm and collect" I replied

"Dont we want all babies to be that way" she commented making me and Chibzzy laugh before we bid her a go day and left.

 Now there is no more appointments or anything left for us to do but just wait till he wants to arrive or his actual arrival date.

I feel as though he will be like I was when my egg donor was carrying me.  

When I was supposed to be born I didn't come out and egg donor was way overdue when I finally decided I was tired of being in the womb and was ready to grace the world with my presents and see my dad or at least be held by him.

 Which with the stories pops has always told me. I never wanted to be out of his arms, that he was like my safety blanket. if I wasn't in his arms then I wasn't safe.  he told me just how important that made him feel I assured him that he's always important to me.

He also told me how I made life hell for egg donor and how he always thought my little badass self was just a miniature female version of him. raising ell and not being able to expect anything I might do.

I just hope when Chibzzy and my son is born that he will have a little bit of me besides DNA. and that no matter what he knows that he will always be loved nad protected by his dad and I as well as his grandpa and other family members and that despite anything that happens weather we fight or have disagreements that I will always love him and no matter how old he will get I will always call him my baby boy.

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