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A  few days after I got Chibs's crow and proposed to him. He presented me a beautiful blue green oval shaped ring.

nowhere I am headed to the doctor to get a check up that I was due for. I sat for a few minutes or so before called back and had all the original things they routine things the check before taking me to a room where they asked different questions before leaving telling me how long till the doctor comes in.

I waited there so long I could have ate a whole combo meal and tossed the trash before being seen. and heck with the amount of time they are taking I should've brought some food.

After knocking on the door and I greet them, the doctor came and did just like the nurse asking the same questions multipule times.

 With the way they were acting, I started getting leery so when the doctor walked out not telling me where they were going I grabbed my things and left.

 I headed to the clinic next to St.Thomas and explained what had happened before asking them to run a blood test to make sure everything was still good. that I didn't have a deadly sickness or anything.

After a nurse came and drew some blood then left after giving me an estimated wait time for the results I thanked them.

 As I waited I called and complained to my insurance company about the doctor and his practice. before hanging up after giving them all the information they needed.

When the doctor walked in they were smiling so I figured whatever was in my test results was good news.

"well Ms. Tragger it looks as though you are pregnant" she announces.

I started tearing up and smiling. she handed me a tissue.

" can you determine how far I am?" I asked

"you'd have to go to the hospital and be checked by the obgyn. which I've gone ahead and set the appointment up today. so when you leave here just head on over and they will see you" she says

"thank you so much," I say

"welcome and congratulations," she says

 I smiled and took my discharge papers and walked out. 

I tell you when I laid there and I heard the sound of mine and Chibs's baby I cried. I couldn't believe I was gonna be a mom and that they've grown to the point I could hear their heart beating.

I'm headed to the clubhouse with a small gift for pops and Chibs.

I climbed out holding the bag and walked into the clubhouse.

"you seem happy today. what did you do?" Gemma asked putting her hands on her hips

"I didn't do anything bad," I tell her

she looked at me like that's hard to believe.

"are pops and Chibs here?" I asked

"in chuchrch should be about done" she says

 right after she said that the doors opened and everyone filed out.

"I greeted everyone before I grinned similar to the Cheshire cat awhile looking at pops and Chibs.

"oh no what happened?" pops asked

"why does poepled thing something happened?" I asked

"your grinning like the chesire cat. so we know something happened" he says

I say nothing just extend my arms towards them. I clapmed my hands and rocked on my heels as they looked from me to the bag before they opened them.

"No fuckin way?" Chibs says

I nodded my head still smiling while tearing up

dad looked at his gift  then me in disbelief before smiling.

"well what is it?" Gemma asked

CHibs handed the bag over to her and scooped me up kissing me as he twriled me around.

"I'm having a baby" Chibs's

"Then you'll be a millionaire" JT joked

I laughed as Chibs sat me down.

"Okay my lassie is having my baren" he says

the guys whistled and cheered as Pop walked over and hugged the two of us and kissed my cheek before wiping the tears from my eyes.

"How far?" Jax asked

"three months. which I asked if they were ok and after doing a thorough examination the obgyn assured me that little Telford is perfectly fine. nothing to worry about" I replied

"good" Gemma says

"we need plenty of sons" JT says

and the others agreed.

"what about girls?" I asked

"nah boys" Opie says

I shook my head smiling before pecking pops and giving him a side hug while Jax and happy pulled Chibs away to celebrate.

Intertwined Souls ( completed)) ((not edited)Where stories live. Discover now