Chapter 1

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Pete POV

I go to the mailbox and receive a letter in a black envelope trimmed in gold with no return address so I have no one to send the letter back to. I sit in my living room next to my beautiful girlfriend Rose and hand her the mail that was for her. I open the letter and start to read it. As I read on I am confused and feeling a bit anxious.

~The letter~

Dear Pete,

If you are reading this I probably left. I made a promise to myself that if we could not get back close like we used to be then I would leave you alone and let you go. Do you remember we would bake brownies after school when one of us was sad? Do you remember our study sessions at the cafe down the street from your house? Do you remember when you were skeptical to start gaming or any social media platforms and I pushed you to do it? We would sometimes stay up for hours recording and editing just to make sure you liked it. Do you remember how every Valentine's Day I would ask you to be mine and you would reject me?  You would laugh it off and we would play video games for the rest of the day and never bring it up again. Remember how I would create a day filled with activities to do for your birthday so for at least one day you would feel special? All of these are memories I will never forget. I have been in love with you since I learned what love was but would easily prefer to have you as a friend rather than nothing at all. You grew to a place of greatness, happiness, and love that I no longer fit in. It took a while but I found peace in accepting that you were okay and doing well. I found peace in knowing you finally found love and are happy. Thank you for the happiest years of my life and all the memories. I will forever be indebted to you.

Love Wynter

Right after I finished reading the letter I get on TikTok to clear my head just to see a TikTok that caused me to drop the letter.

Wynter POV

Hello, my name is Wynter, and welcome to my recording. You are probably wondering how we got here or what is going on. I was Pete's childhood best friend and we were pretty inseparable until high school when we slowly grew apart. To fully understand what is going on we have to go back quite a bit in time.

~13 years ago~

"Mommy, is Pete coming over today?"

"You know we pick him up to drop you two off at school"

She handed me my breakfast and I smiled.

"I love him and hopefully one day we end up together"

"Dear, you are eight. What do you know about love?"

"I heard some of the older grade school kids talking about it and I feel what they feel"

"And what is it that you feel?"

"I sometimes feel like I have a fever but only around him and my tummy acts weird. Oh, I also smile and laugh a lot because of him"

"It's okay to have a crush but I don't think you're in love with him yet, wait until you're a little bit older and then if you feel the same I will admit that I was wrong"


I ate my breakfast happily and grabbed my lunch as I got in my mom's car and we picked up Pete. He only lives a few streets down from us so my mom takes us to school. Mommy let me go to the door to get him so I stood on my tippy toes to press the doorbell and waited as he came out. He soon opened the door and hugged his mom bye.

"Ready for school sunshine?"

"Sure, but why do you call me sunshine?" 

We walk to the car and get in as my mom pulls off.

"Because you brighten my day like the sun"

He laughs and pokes my face.

"You're such a dork"

"But we're friends still right?"

"Of course, always will be"

My mom pulls up to the school, lets us out, and wishes us a good day as she waits for us to safely make it inside. Unfortunately, we do not have all the same classes together so we have to go separate ways but I will see him at lunch. I tend to do pretty well in my classes so I do my classwork and then I draw pictures while thinking of Pete. I like him because he is sweet and very nice to me. This one time, I got pushed at recess and he yelled at the kid scaring him away. He helped me up and we ate our animal crackers and milk together...the rest was history. That was the first time we really talked although we have known each other since we were babies. I make sure to always give him my dessert because it makes him happy and he tends to bring extra juice for me at lunch. Cupid's day is coming up and they have all the kids buy cartoon love cards for all the class to pass out so we all leave with a full bag. I am making a secret bag for Pete and I am going to ask him to be my Valentine. He normally rejects me but I don't know, maybe this year will be different.

A/N: Hello everyone and welcome to the first chapter of this story. This is my first time starting a story with a flashback but let's see how it goes. I thank you for taking the time to read this story and give it a chance. Please give feedback if you have any or comment on what you think may happen. Save this to your library or vote if you would like. You reading it is more than enough and I appreciate and extra interaction. Until next time XOXO

A little too late (A Pete angst Story)Where stories live. Discover now