Chapter 5

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Wynter POV

Danny goes to get our drinks and I start looking up myths about ADHD and statistics since Pete is going to leave soon. Danny pretty much fills in the best he can for times when Pete is not around. He is an amazing friend and I love him so much for all that he does for me. I can feel Pete looking at me but I don't really feel like talking. Since he started dating when we were 10 we have never been as close because he puts his all into relationships, and through each one, I was there but I never ask how they are going and I distract myself with schoolwork or activities to not focus on it. It would be amazing if one day I woke up and I did not have feelings for Pete and although it might seem dumb to be sort of depressed because of this it is not dumb to me. I am losing my best friend and that is something I never really prepared for. As we get older we change and things change honestly but I was never prepared to lose the only friend I had. Before him, I had no one and I will slowly go back to that as his relationship with Rose becomes more and more serious. She is truly a lovely girl and I am happy for him but until I can figure something out I am still stuck in the pain of one-sided love and the fear of when we fully grow apart. 


"I think I found some good myths that would be nice for you to debunk for your paper"

"Wynter, look at me"

"Can't, we have a lot to get through and you leave in an hour right?"

"Wynter please"

I internally sigh before looking up at him.

"What do you need?"

"You to be okay"

"I'm fine Pete, please don't make things awkward"

"You're not fine, you never call me Pete"

"That is your name right?"


"Look, I am giving you space to flourish and be happy. I have supported you through all of your relationships. I have been that shoulder you cried on and that ear you needed when the relationships ended. I have helped you each and every time you needed something special for a date. What else do you want from me? My happiness is based on you being happy so as long as you are good...we are good"

"Do you like anyone, you deserve a relationship too"

"No, I need to focus on school and do well so I can go to a decent college for something art-related possibly. I don't have time for relationships"

"Do you hate me?"

"No, I am incapable of that. I stopped calling you sunshine when you first started dating at 10. I call you Pete because that is your name and nicknames/pet names are for very special people and I need to make sure that I never cross the line of deeming you special when it has never been reciprocated. You have never given me mixed signals that we had anything special, hell even as friends I never had a nickname. Danny calls everyone darling but if he wants to be more personal he will call me Winnie. I am letting you grow and be free from my cages because you can't be happy stuck to me"

Just as I finish that Danny comes back with our drinks. I thank him and we all get back to work discussing what would be helpful for Pete's paper. By the time an hour has gone by Pete pretty much just needs to put the information together for his paper and presentation. I agree to work on finding clips of him when his ADHD was intense and put them together in a video. I was always big on photography and videography so I legit have a ton of footage of him off guard and quite a bit of Danny as well. Pete packs his belongings and heads out as Danny and I work on his project next.

Pete POV

I hope one day she can get over me and find someone who can love her. I always thanked Danny for being her friend even though he wanted to be. I feel that she is doing better than expected due to having Danny in her life but one day he will also have a partner and I just hope she is able to manage alone until she makes her own friends. I head out to my girlfriend's mom's car where she picks me up to take me to her. Her mom is extremely nice and treats me like I am her son. We arrive in no time and I head to the living room where she is while her mom goes upstairs. I gently grab her hand and put it on my face so she knows it's me and she smiles that beautiful smile.

"Hello beautiful"

"Hi my prince, how was studying?"

"It was productive, we accomplished a lot. I only have to put everything together really. I might do a video for class of how the different symptoms look in me. Wynter said she might help me make the video because she has some footage of me"

"How come I have never met Wynter? You mention her every so often and she seems important to you. I'm shocked we haven't met in school, I think we even have a class or two together."

"She's always on the go now, she tries to stay busy and she is very focused on getting almost perfect grades so she can get into a really good school"

"But your friend Danny is too and it sounds like they spend a lot of time together, does she really not just hang out with anyone for fun"

"Not anymore, even when around Danny she is doing something school related while he plays video games or works on something"

"Well, I hope to meet her one day. Maybe once I can get my eye surgery"

"I will try my best to make sure of it, but enough about me. How are you? What's on your mind?"

"Nothing much, I finished my easier assignments at school and then I was given an alternate assignment for the science class. It sucks we are in different periods because I would have loved to hear your presentation."

"I'll present it to you after it is done."

"Thank you, I am very special to have met someone like you. I hope we last forever or at least for a really long time"

"We will, I'll be here for you as long as you have me princess"

A little too late (A Pete angst Story)Where stories live. Discover now