Chapter 6

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TW: Hints of depression and intrusive thoughts

Pete POV

I put my arm around her and hug her before kissing her temple. I don't know how long this will last but I hope it lasts for a while.

Wynter POV

So Danny and I finished finding all the stuff we needed for our papers and decided we would work on it some more tomorrow. We finished our drinks and took the time to talk about random things. 

"Winnie, I have something to tell you"

"Uh okay, I am a bit scared so please tell me quickly"

"Well, I have a crush on someone in our class and I was planning on asking them out"

"That's great Danny I'm so happy for you! I know you'll make them very happy"

"I might not be around as much if we do end up dating though"

"That's okay, I appreciate the time we have had together. You have helped me through some rough days. I knew I couldn't use you as a crutch forever"

"I still want to be friends, maybe you two can be friends someday"

"Maybe, so who is it?"

"She's in a grade above us, her name is Dream"

"She's really talented. I know she will say yes. When will you ask her?"

"Possibly tomorrow, she has practice tomorrow so I am planning on catching her before she goes in"

"Well I wish you all the best of luck and if you need anything let me know and I will help best as I can"

"No problem"

The bell above the door rings and in walks Dream, she heads to a table alone before going to order something and I look at Danny to see him smitten. I tap his shoulder and lean over to whisper.

"Go talk to her now, this is more intimate and private which should work in your favor"

I start packing my stuff as I am talking.

"Should I?"

"You either go to her or I will bring her over here"

"Okay okay, I'm going. Are you going to be okay?"

"Of course, I was getting tired anyway. Good luck"

I head out the door and arrive at the bus right as it pulls up. I get on and head home for the night. I change and pick up my journal to see what the journal prompt is for today. It asks me to write my 10-year plan and what I want to accomplish by the time I am 24. This should be fun, so I lay on my bed and get to writing.

Dear journal entry,

I am currently 14 years old and I am writing my plans up until the age of 24. Well for starters, I have been having trouble seeing myself make it to the age of 24. I am normally depressed and then I attach to my friends which is bad but they get their own lives which leaves me alone and I feel like I am being tortured when I am alone with my thoughts. I am not strong when it comes to working through my depression and I don't think that will change. That being said I can tell you my plan for what I can work on. I want to graduate high school and go to a college that specializes in the arts. I truly love photography and videography so I will probably go to college for those. I eventually want to make nice videos for my loved ones but I am not sure if I will be able to in time. My most important goal is to make sure Danny and Pete are truly happy. Those two are all I have outside of my mother and I want them to be okay. I will make sure that they are okay and able to make it in every aspect of life. Did you know that you can donate several organs and help up to 75 people with different parts of your body and fluids that will be used? I will make a difference and grant wishes people never even thought to wish for. I want my last memories to be the smiles of my loved ones and I will do my best to make that happen. Well, I guess I should go then. If I am still here then I will rewrite my journal entry but for now, my plan is to bring everyone the most happiness I can. 

~Love Wynter~

I finish that and take a nice long bath, they make me tired and if I am tired I will sleep and my thoughts will stop. They don't often bleed over into my dreams but when they do it is terrible. I hope that I am lucky enough that I can sleep peacefully.

~Next Day~ Wynter POV

So Danny texted me because he had something to tell me but also wanted to work on our projects a bit more. So I told him we'll work in class and some after school if we don't finish. Lunch comes and I decide to skip it and go to the music room which tends to be empty at this time. I go to sit at the piano and start to play the keys to Jealous by Labrinth. As I get into the song I sing the lyrics with my eyes closed feeling the music. At some point, I got up from the piano and sang acapella. Going to the center of the room and sitting on the floor with my knees to my chest. I became more emotional as the song went on to the point of tears running down my cheeks but I was so into the song I didn't notice. Didn't notice the tears or the sound of the door opening. As the song finished, I opened my eyes drying them with my sleeves. I hear footsteps and look over to see Pete and Rose.

A little too late (A Pete angst Story)Where stories live. Discover now