Hot and Heavy in the Changing Room...

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“Wake up,” Linda whispered. I cracked one eye open. I was in my bed, huddled underneath the sheets. How had I gotten here? I was wearing something bulky and warm. It smelled phenomenal. Had I sprayed this with perfume or something? As I stretched, I realized that it was Deck’s hoodie. He was passed out on his bed, completely sprawled out. He must’ve given me this hoodie and carried me home.

“Yeah?” I asked Linda.

“Your lunch is on the counter. I got you and Deck meals from Wendy’s. I have an appointment today, but I’ll be back soon. Only you and Deck are home.” Linda said. I stared at her as my sleepy brain tried to process that. Usually she didn’t tell me where she was going. Usually she just left.

“Today is the anniversary of Deck’s mother’s death. The day after Valentine’s day,” she explained. My stomach dropped. She couldn’t be serious. I couldn’t be mad at Deck after hearing that. I looked over at him, nodding seriously. She wanted me to look after him today. No cutting, no drugs, no alcohol. I was to take care of him, no matter what. Linda left, and I set to work. I planned out what I was going to do today. Deck walked in while I was working. Actually, I’d gotten distracted and had flipped the page in my notebook. I was now bent over the counter, doodling a scene from the dream I’d had last night. My lip was bit in concentration and I was focused on the small details.

“Morning,” I said with a grin, but I couldn’t look up from my drawing. I really wanted to finish it, and I was only halfway done shading. I looked up, and Deck was staring down at his milkshake pensively. That was odd. Usually he downed those things like there was no tomorrow. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. Thankfully he didn’t resist. He hugged me tightly to his chest. I sucked in a sharp breath. His arms were warm around me even though he was wearing only a t-shirt. Then he pulled away.

“I’m sorry about yesterday. I shouldn’t have flipped out. If you want to date Ryan, you can. I don’t own you,” he stated. My stomach flopped down into my feet. I was pretty sure my jaw dropped so hard it made a small clicking noise.

“But I don’t want to date Ryan,” I exclaimed.

“You don’t?” Deck responded. He looked sincerely concerned. “Why not?” Because I want to date you, you idiot!

“Because I don’t like him,” I finally answered. I let out a breath of relief, returning to my drawing. That was a safe enough answer. Deck seemed satisfied with that answer. He sat down and began eating his brunch.

“Do you know what day it is, per chance?” Deck asked around a mouthful of fries. I looked up slightly. Even though he was devouring those French fries like there was no tomorrow and was talking with his mouth full, he still looked positively adorable. I leaned down again and bit my lip. Today’s the day your mother died.

“Er, it’s uh, February 14th,” I lied. The lie had fallen out of my mouth before I could stop it. Deck nodded, oblivious to the foul mess that was falling out of my mouth. What the Hell was I thinking?

“Happy Valentine’s day,” he said with a grin. I mustered up the strength to smile back at him. I left the room, excusing myself to go to the bathroom. Instead I ended up running to my room. I collapsed onto the floor beside my bed. I’d committed a sin. Yeah, I sinned every day, but this was serious. I’d lied to him about the day his mother died. What was wrong with me? What the Hell was I thinking? What if he found out the truth? What if he found out that I’d known the entire time and was lying? I felt sick.

“Skye?” Deck asked, walking into our room. I got up off the floor quickly.

“Uh, I-er-you- Yeah?” I stammered. Wow, Skye, way to be obvious! I groaned to myself.

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