✦ chapter nine

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conversation dies out as the lights go down, i really hate it when the sun starts to set and everything we say is so introductory
exchanging words the both of us still forget ❜ — daytime, lunar vacation

 ❛ conversation dies out as the lights go down, i really hate it when the sun starts to set and everything we say is so introductoryexchanging words the both of us still forget ❜ — daytime, lunar vacation

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TODAY WAS ONE of those mornings where you could see a crescent in the celestial sky that was decorated with dapple clouds. Inside the new dimension office, the air ventilator offered a misty and fresh comfort for those who had just come from the warmth outside. Meanwhile, you counted the number of characters you still need to meet. You wonder where and when would be the chance kismet would give you the luck for that. By now, you'rr positive most of these idols arr already aware of your existence, and you put in extreme effort for that not to get to your head.

Your tote bag was placed on the red chair next to you. It was more heavier than usual. That's because it had six bottles of your favorite drink. You can't possibly drink that much. Your laptop was out too, along with statistics on performances. The paperwork in front of you was nothing but scrawling scribbles. This is one of the reasons you look up to Anzu. So for the sake of keeping this position, you worked your butt head. Your inner studious self came in clutch when it comes to finishing work before deadlines, as well as the fear of what might come for you if you missed one.

"What's this? Is this the new producer— F/n?"

You pause your typing. The shadow looming over the table caused a subconscious minor gulp down your throat. You glanced upwards, and there he was, the infamous Madara Mikejima. Compared to his cards, his hair claims more volume than some argue to have. Your fingers turned numb at the sight of him. He's definitely massive and stupidly tall. You knew what to expect, but seeing him in person now took an imposing path. "Mikejima...right?"

"I'd prefer if you'd call me by my first name instead. Yeah?"
You debated it for a while, but you decided that it would be bizarre for a first meeting. "You sure?" The only thing you can hold onto is the hope of wishing madara couldn't see right through you, considering the detective he is implied to be.

"No doubts!..May I?" Madara gestured at the seat across you.

You nodded eagerly. "By all means, please." Maybe he acted like he couldn't see through you. You already credit yourself to be a person full of decency and respect for others, but nothing stopped Madara from investigating anyone in association within Ensemble Square.

"It's pretty loud here. Are you sure you can focus?" Madara asked her with his winsome smile. As he spoke, there's agents, directors, and managers giving orders to their respective clients.

"I would be working in my office..but two of my co-workers prefer working in a lively environment than in silent offices. We have some joint paperwork due this afternoon."  You shrug, but you're eternally thankful they chose this place. You'd have no idea where else you could encounter Madara. "I'm okay with it, though. I'll manage it."

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