Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

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*Raph's POV*

As I head up on the roof tops, my heart starts breaking. Everything I've ever wanted is gone just like that. Maya is the only girl I've really liked and now, Mikey of all my brothers, has her. Mikey. Really? I would've been better off with Leo or Donnie. 

I look down at the street and see Mikey, Maya, and April. April is buying them a pizza to share. 

Once April has the pizza, she heads back to the lair while Maya and Mikey stay in the alley. I realize spying isn't the best thing to do, but it's all I got.

I see them and Maya looks happy. Mikey looks happy, too. I take a seat and try to hear what they're saying. Mikey is explaining all of the adventures we've been on and there are a lot. Finally, Mikey stops talking to let Maya say some stuff about her.

"There isn't that much to tell other than the fact that I've been practicing ninjutsu with a very advanced sensei. I was mutated by the Kraang ooze," she explains. "I was once a little turtle."

"Me too!" Mikey exclaims and by the look in Maya's eye, she's holding something back. Mikey is too idiotic to realize that, but I realize it. See? I know her emotions already which means that I'm better for her than Mikey. Besides, doesn't Mikey have at least one confusion as to who her sensei is?

"Hey, Raph," Donnie states and I jump. I didn't hear him walk over to me.

"Hi, Donnie," I reply obviously sounding upset. I have every reason to be and Donnie obviously knows why.

"So, I'm guessing you're upset with Mikey and Maya?" he asks.

"No, Donnie, I'm upset because the pizza place ran out of pepperoni," I reply sarcastically.

"Look, Raph, think about it. Maya is just like Mikey in girl version and besides, when you first met her, you wanted her dead. Mikey fell in love with her at first sight," Donnie explains and I look at him confused.

"Donnie, how would you know that?" I ask curiously.

"Mikey might've talked to me saying he had a crush on Maya..." he trails off looking at the sky. Sudden rage builds inside me and he can sense it. "Oh, would you look up there. The stars are barely visible."

"Donnie. You knew Mikey liked her, too, but you didn't tell me?" I ask as calmly as I could.

"Maya came and talked to me as well. She said she liked both of you so I may have mentioned Mikey liking her and not you because Mikey is fragile and I thought since Mikey technically liked her first that-"

"Donnie, love isn't facts and equations. It's what the heart wants. Besides, Mikey and her technically aren't boyfriend and girlfriend, so I still have a chance!" I shout and begin heading back to the lair.

"Raph. I'm sorry, but Mikey and Maya just seem so... in love," Donnie comments. "Isn't love about wanting the person you love to be happy. Even if it isn't with you?"

"Look, Donnie. I trusted you. You should've just kept your mouth shut when talking to Maya and let her choose which one of us she likes more," I snap bitterly and Donnie puts his head down in shame.

"I'm sorry, Raph," he finally states and heads off towards the lair without me obviously about to cry. 

"Donnie," I whisper, but I know it's too late. 

I arrive at the lair and see Maya and Mikey beat me to it. Maya and Mikey are playing video games and it looks like Maya is winning.

"Oh yeah! In your face, Mikey!" she shouts with a huge grin.

"I'm catching up, Maya!" Mikey shouts.

"Guys, I want to watch Space Heroes," Leo complains and I can tell Donnie is probably in his lab working on something. Whenever he's stressed or upset, he works on inventions extra hard.

Leo finally is able to watch Space Heroes, and I know that's my chance with Maya. I walk over to her and take a deep breath. This conversation could make or break everything.

"Hey, pinky," I joke and she laughs. Man, her laugh is something else. 

"Hey, Raph," she replies with a slight blush on her face.

"May I speak to you for a second? Privately?" I ask and she nods.

"Of course," she responds and we head over to the corner. She's ahead of me, so she doesn't see me take another deep breath to control myself.

"Maya, are you and Mikey boyfriend and girlfriend?" I ask nervously trying to get right to the point.

"No. That date was just to get to know him better, you know?" she responds. "Why?"

"Well, because I was hoping I would be able to get a date with you someday," I explain and she smiles with a blush on her cheek.

"Sure, Raph," she replies. Then, she glances at the clock on the wall. "Well, I better get going. Meet me in front of the library at 6pm tomorrow?"

"Sure," I respond and smile as she walks away. She turns around and waves at me. I wave back and I realize I probably have an idiotic grin on my face.

"Bye, everyone!" she shouts and leave the lair. She is so amazing.

*Maya's POV*

I leave the sewers and head towards the building the Shredder is staying at.

"Are you working on finding the turtles?" he asks as I walk in.

"Yes," I reply and look at my feet. "In a few weeks I will have at least the purple on here. He seems like the weakest fighter. I might as well get the weakest one, you know?"

"You have brilliant plans, Maya. They cannot fail or else I am getting you instead of the other turtles," he threatens and I bow with a face of agreeing with him. I head off to my room and fall back on the comfy bed.

I stare at the ceiling and just begin thinking about the date with Mikey. I had to hide the fact that the Shredder is my sensei. He's the enemy of him and if he finds out, I'm in trouble. Also, I had a strange feeling that someone was watching me. I didn't want to say anything, though, because I had a feeling the thing watching us wasn't bad. I shouldn't of brought anything up, though.

What am I going to do about Raph? It looks like he likes me, too. Gosh, this is confusing. The two guys I like both like me back. How am I supposed to choose now?

My eyes start to close and then I'm alseep.

*Donnie's POV*

I'm working on an invention that would be able to make our own pizzas instantly. That way, Mikey won't have to keep bugging April every time he's hungry.

"Donnie, it's getting late! You should go to bed!" I hear Leo's voice through the door.

"Fine!" I shout back and exit my lab. How can I sleep when Raph is mad at me? I didn't want to be the victim of all of this. I just wanted Mikey and Maya to be happy because I honestly think they are a better match for each other. Raph and Maya would be a disaster waiting to happen.

But, then I remember what Raph said. He said 'love isn't facts and equations. It's what the heart wants,' and that actually makes sense. But, how come it isn't logical? I would be much easier at the concept of love if it was. Then again, April isn't mine, so I'm probably over thinking love.

Or maybe I'm just not her type. I mean, she's a human and I'm a turtle. That would be weird, but what Raph said comes to mind again. If love isn't logical, then a turtle can date a human! Wow, that sounds weird.

I head up to my room and fall asleep almost instantly.

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