Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

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*Mikey's POV*

"You will die here, turtles," Shredder threatens and Raph and I try to free ourselves, which is, of course, a little impossible. I stop struggling once I realize it's pointless and look over at Maya tied to the chair and the other Maya talking to Shredder.

How is it possible that there are two Mayas? I thought Raph said she was evil, but what if it was just her "evil twin" all along? Did the "real" Maya ever meet us, or has the "evil twin" Maya never seen us? Why would one Maya be trapped and the other free? None of this is making sense.

I shake the thought out of my head. All I know is that I need to escape. I look over to Raph and I can tell he's thinking the same thing.

But, really? By the looks of it, there are two Mayas. One is tied up and the other is by Shredder's side. Maybe, the one tied up is good, and the one with Shredder is evil?

Wow, I'm smart. Note the sarcasm there...

"I feel somewhat bad for these turtles, master," the Maya I'm assuming is evil states, but I can see the amusement in her eyes. She's just using a cruel sick joke. How dare she? When I get myself out of here, she's going to get it! I will mess her up for messing with me and my bros!

Something in me is telling me that the evil Maya wasn't the one seeing us. If it were, she would have no problem telling is who she was and where she stood. The Maya I fell for is trapped and hurt. I need to help her.

But, how can I help her when I can't even help myself?

"Oh, Maya, these worthless amphibians aren't worth sympathy," the Shredder has no problem crushing all feelings I have.

"We're reptiles!" a familiar voice sounds from the front door. My head jerks in that direction and I see Leo and Donnie standing there, looking quite offended.

Of course, Donnie corrected the Shredder. Classic Don.

Leo came over to Raph and me and ripped the tape off our faces, which hurt terribly. Then, he frees the rest of me.

"Also, that's not Maya!" I shout and point a finger towards the evil Maya. I rush over to the good Maya and free her. "This is the real Maya!"

"Mikey, I am so sorry," Maya instantly turns to him with tears welding in her eyes.

"No need for apologies right now, sweetcheeks," Raph says before I even opened my mouth. I just then realized the others were there.

Leo, Donnie, Raph, Maya, and I step into our fighting stances, ready to attack the Shredder. I now realize how dumb that is. He will cream us!

Shouldn't Leo have the brains and "leader skills" to tell us to retreat?!

"Leo! We should retreat! We can't take on the Shredder ourselves!" I shout over to him and Raph's face flushes.

"Back down from a fight?? Are you insane? Leo?!" Raph freaks out, like he always does when someone even mentions the word retreat. Obviously, he isn't one who handles defeat easily...

"Raph, we may have to," Leo makes his executive decision.

"Yeah, Raph, I think we should. He's too powerful for us," Maya explains. "I should know."

"You really have been a disappointment, Maya. Good thing this Maya comes through for me," Shredder says shaking his head.

"It's a good thing she turned away from you, you jerk!" I shout, suddenly getting Raph's anger filling inside me.

"Mikey! He's not even worth insults. Let's just go," Leo states determined to leave. We have to reach safety quickly, and I know that, but I can't help but completely explode on Shredder! He had the freaking audacity to use Maya and all four of us! Especially Raph and me. That was just plain sick.

"Fine," I reluctantly agree and we run out and head for the lair.

That escape seemed really easy. Too easy.

I shake that thought and just focus on the present. Now we can fully find out more about Maya with no secrets being withheld. I now know that Maya isn't hiding anything else. I can finally truly love her.

Oh, but Raph. He loves her too.

This contest is still going on. Whoever kisses her first, gets to have her.

That doesn't feel right to me. I don't think we should have a contest like that. Maybe I should just let Raph date her. How hard could it be to handle?

I reach the lair after everyone else is safely inside. I head for the kitchen, naturally. All this butt-kicking has made me hungry. It's just my thing, you know? Pizza right after whopping someone.

I reach the kitchen and instead of seeing delicious pizza, I see...RAPH AND MAYA KISSING?

I stop and feel my heart crash into a million pieces. How did this even happen? Why is it happening? Maybe I can't handle it very well...

I guess my footsteps made it more obvious that I have arrived for they stopped and looked towards me. I never felt more humiliated in my life. I could feel all color drain from my cheeks as my vision went blurry from tears welding in my eyes.

"Mikey..." Maya begins, but I don't want to hear it. I've lost. I have lost the very few chances I had with the only girl I have ever loved! Why is it that Raph always gets everything and I don't? All he does is get angry and try to tear everyone apart when I try to make people smile!

I shake my head in pain and turn to head to my room. No pizza tonight.

My face is wet with tears and I can't think straight.

*Raph's POV*

I didn't mean to hurt Mikey's feelings. I didn't really mean for him to see me kissing Maya, honestly.

After we saved her from the Shredder, we obviously arrived back to the lair. Mikey wasn't back yet, so Maya took me into the kitchen. I began thinking of all the things she would say to me, but then I started thinking back to Mikey. I really hoped Maya told me she wanted Mikey, but that didn't happen at all.

"Raph, I think you are my hero," Maya had said to me and I felt my cheeks start blushing. There was no doubt in my mind that she was standing there so beautifully, but how could I do this to Mikey? He never really gets anything when I'm involved. I was feeling guilty, no doubt.

"Mikey is the one who saved you and defended you," I found my lips saying to her.

She took a step, quite astounded that I defended Mikey instead of fighting for her attention from him.

"Being modest, I see," she smiled and I knew this was going to end badly.

Don't get me wrong, Maya is beautiful and I am hopelessly in love, but I didn't want a girl to come between me and one of my bros.

So, we were talking and then it led to some lip action, and suddenly, I felt someone's presence at the door. Of course, of all people who could have been standing there, it was Mikey.

I rush out the kitchen as I thought the whole situation over and I am determined to cheer Mikey up and make him realize that girls aren't everything. Hopefully I will be able to do this.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long, but hereeeee:) enjoyy


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2014 ⏰

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